Well, I gave in to the Blog. I wanted to be able to update this portion of the website from wherever I may be (e.g., work, school, home, Europe ;)) so I jumped on the Blogger bandwagon. It’s actually a pretty cool tool for updating news/journal/diary-type stuff. I guess I could also go on a freehand rampage about the state of the world or television or something. I might just do that shortly. The photography course at De Anza is winding down. One project is due this week, and I think the last one is next week during finals! I already signed up for Photo 2 which should prove to be interesting. It covers the use of filters, lighting (both flash and spot), different camera types, and other projects that stretch the mechanical side of photography. Now I need to work on seeing the image, which I think is a big weak point of mine. We’ll see what my final grade is in a couple of weeks. For now, that’s it.