It Begins This Way...
When I post this blog entry, I will be in a Starbucks in Aiea, Hawaii. Farrah and I arrived in Oahu last night, earlier than we thought, since the tradewinds were kind.
Farrah is still under the weather. She wasn’t feeling well last Friday night when we went to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Saturday morning she had full blown flu symptoms. I couldn’t go to YEP (Yahoo!’s Year End Party) without her, so I chose not to go that night. Of course, I subsequently got sick on Monday, by my symptoms mimic a cold and not the flu.
We rested most of the week since we were flying off on Wednesday to Hawaii. Fina was kind enough to take us to SFO. We left the house around 3:00 PM with our flight scheduled for 6:00 PM. We hung out at “Just Desserts” talking about what still needs to be done.
We were almost going to go to the gate when we were surprised by Lotte!!! She had come to see us off. It was a very nice surprise seeing Lotte, who is responsible for introducing Farrah and I. We really wish should have come to Hawaii for the wedding.

The flight to Hawaii was pretty quick. We arrived forty minutes ahead of schedule! There was slight turbulence here and there, interrupting “Cinderella Man” , the in-flight movie. The weather was nice and cool when we arrived, a change from cold rainy climate currently plaguing the Bay Area.
We got the Auntie Horton’s house pretty quick. We unpacked, ate a quick dinner which included homemade chicken soup, and took our medicine before crashing for the night.
Morning time was rough for me, but Farrah was up light a bolt of lighting. We took off to Starbucks in search for a WiFi connection. The first one at Pearlridge was not working. It had me a little frustrated because I was able to connect in SFO easily. I could see the signal but wasn’t getting a login screen or full Internet connection. We went to the new Border’s about a block away in Uptown Pearlridge, I found a connection (this connection) very easily. This place is new and gets very very sunny in the morning (no shades), so I’ll probably only go there early in the morning or later in the day.
Ah, email and Internet access is so hard to do without.
Well, that catches us up to the present. What have we done so far? Well, we got our marriage license from downtown. The process was quick and easy. Farrah and I took a couple of photos, but when the clerk tried to use the camera to take our picture together it didn’t work out. Oh well, it’s ok. Not much else is planned today. There are several meeting we have tomorrow, and a few small things we need to do today. The big day is only ten days away. TEN DAYS!!!
Ah well, more later.