Moving Weekend
This last weekend farrah and I flew down to San Diego to help Heidi and Yen move to their new apartment. Unfortunately, I was just getting over a cold so I was a bit grumpy at times.

The flight going to San Diego had a slight delay. The flight there was uneventful, though on landing the air pressure really got to my ears. It was as if someone was pinching my ear drums. I could not hear for sometime afterwards. I guess I wasn’t over my cold after all.
James flew in from Oakland as well, so we all met at the airport. We grabbed a bit to eat that night at a place called Yard House. I guess their main claim to serving the world’s largest selection of draft beer. I tried something called a Delirum Tremens - a bitter Belgium beer. I didn’t really enjoy it much and downed it quickly ordering a Black & Tan to fill the void. farrah had the SLO Blueberry Ale and the Lost Coast Apricot Wheat beer. Even Yen had a SLO Blueberry Ale.
On Saturday, we got up a bit late, but was able to move everything in the afternoon. The slow part was the loading of the U-Haul that Yen had rented. Unload went by really quickly. It probably when by quick because we were all thinking of dinner at Rei do Gado. Farrah ate there with Yen and Heidi the last time we were in San Diego, and I really wanted to go there. Even though we had an 8 o’clock reservation we still had to wait. But I think the wait was worth it. Honestly, I wish I ate more meat!
On Sunday we took a brief trip across the border into Tijuana, Mexico. It was my first time there. We ate at a little taco stand Heidi had eaten at before. There was also several other places where various snacks were consumed. We didn’t really buy anything there as the weather was turning cloudy, so we headed back across the border to shop at the Las Americas. I think we stayed a bit to long there because we needed to rush back for James to catch his flight. Thanks to Heidi’s mad driving James made his flight with about 15 minutes to spare.
Our plane back home was late in departing and I was feeling run down. When I got home that night I knew I was sick once again. I think I caught Heidi’s cold! Now I’ve been sick most of February. Hopefully, I will get better in March.