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I’m posting again directly to using the famous Wordpress. Yes, I have left my irregular blogging on my Vox account. Actually, I will continue to do irregular blogging on Vox, but my regular musings will occur here.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Vox a lot. I like it better than MySpace, Friendster, Multiply, Facebook, and LiveJournal. Why?
- Nice templates
- Friendly community
- Easy to use blog posting screen.
- Great privacy controls. You can let everyone, friends, family or neighbors view what you post.
- The ability to upload photos, videos, and sound files.
- The ability to access your accounts like Flickr, Photobucket and such to post.
- Meeting new people.
What ended up NOT working for me was:
- Lack of personal customization. Recently added was an ability to add a banner images which is cool, though. I would like to have had the ability to add links to my other 'Me Sites'.
- Inability to for non-registered users to comment on your blog entries.
While the pros seem to outweigh the cons, the cons felt pretty big as time passed. If I never had a web hosting account or used Wordpress or MovableType, I guess I wouldn’t know what running my own blog/site would feel like. But that last pro, Meeting new people. is a big reason why I keep my Flickr account and will keep my Vox account.
There are so many interesting people out there, posting funny personal musings, intriguing thoughts. and stunning photographs that it’s hard to pry yourself away from a community you’ve joined. So I will be a visitor there from time to time. But for now, and the foreseeable future, I’m right here and will write here.
I’m home.
Tru dat!