Our passports arrived today!!!

The passports were sent by overnight mail and arrived in our hands this morning. There was a slight scare earlier in the week when I called the passport office for an update. One of the customer service representatives I talked to on the toll free number said that my first and last name were switched on the application!

I wondered how that would affect our plans. I was beginning to think Farrah would need to leave without me and I would catch up with her once my passport was sorted out. Luckily it didn’t come to that point.

We started going through the packing list, checking off the items to be packed for the trip. We trying to pack light and right, brining what we think we can get by on a minimum, and getting guidance from lists such as the one on Rick Steves' web site.

Right now we have about four bags we are bringing, all are light:

  • Backpack for the camera and laptop
  • Small backpack for carrying day items
  • Large backpack for check-in
  • Rolling bag for check-in

The two check-in bags are packed with a total of four days worth of clothing, plus medication and other knick-knacks, so there is still a lot of room in them to bring back souvenirs. I’m not sure how many souvenirs we’ll bring back - seeing how the British Pound is running 2 to 1 versus the US Dollar - but I’m sure we will bring back something.

One more week!