Regina Spektor - The Warfield

Photo Title: reginaaa3 which was initially uploaded by beisenhood
You are my sweetest downfall I loved you first, I loved you first Beneath the stars came fallin' on our heads But they're just old light, they're just old light Your hair was long when we first met
The Warfield is always an excellent place to see a show, and seeing Regina Spektor there was a treat. The little Russian born redhead with a powerful voice started off with a capella number. (Sorry, I’m not too familiar with her song titles). I cribbed a list of her song set from here:
- Fidelity
- Better
- On the Radio
- Field Below
- Apres Moi
- Hotel Song
- That Time
- Summer in the City
- Uh-merica
- Music Box
- Baby Jesus
- Poor Little Rich Boy
- The Flowers
- Human of the Year
- Us
- Bobbin' for Apples
- Prisoners
- Ghost of Corporate Future
- Real Love (John Lennon)
She was without a band, mostly performing on her piano. She did use a guitar for a couple of songs. On “Poor Little Rich Boy” she played the piano with her left hand while beating a drumstick on a wooden chair placed next to her, and stomping her left foot for emphasis, through the song. I wish I could remember which song that was.
She does have some quirky, funny lyrics (see lyrics for Baby Jesus). Couple this along with her powerful voice, and sometimes unusual phrasing, it makes for a pleasant experience. You can often tell she is not entirely comfortable with a crowd, but she does warm up as the show continues. She was comfortable enough to say the Warfield is located in a “sketchy part of town.” (Really? I guess she didn’t travel to other areas of the City.)
Try to see Regina Spektor in a small venue if you can.