Farrah let me in on my birthday gift early. It is quite a gift: a trip to New York City!

Hesitantly, she revealed my present to me a couple of weeks ago. My mindset regarding flying, and traveling in general, made her feel that it was best to let me in on the gig sooner rather than later. Also, she wanted me to be part of the planning.

I readily admit I didn’t jump on the planning bandwagon right away. It definitely needed to sink in that we were going to New York City. Farrah was good at trying to fool me on my present.

Downtown Manhattan

Farrah knows how much I love my tech toys. She is always hesitant on buying me such gifts for fear that (1) I will have bought it already, or (2) that the tech toy would not be up to snuff. She had me work on giving her specs on electronic presents I wanted for my milestone birthday. I gave her the specs on a 17" MacBook Pro, a Sony LCD television, and a Nikon D300. All of those gifts are very pricey. I felt very guilty giving her that as my wish list items.

But this trip to New York City is something special, something that can live way beyond the lifetime of a tech gadget. The memories of our trip to England and France are still very fresh in my mind. I think NYC will be a blast. I’ve already spent time on several sites trying to figure out what to do. Let me tell you, there is no shortage of things to do in NYC.

More to come as we plan our trip out for five days, four nights in NYC.

[Photo by Flickr user 708718 used with permission per Creative Commons.]