slowing getting vacation pics online
ugh, getting back from vacation has been rough, especially with work being a drag right now. i’m slowly getting the vacation pictures up. log on a take a look when you get a chance.
in order to get it all down, i’ll start writing about our vacation coinciding with each album. for example, arriving in hawaii:

the trip over
i took off on saturday august 7, 2004 by myself. farrah had left with yen and heidi on wednesday. doug took me to the airport (pic above) and i was off. the flight was straightforward with little turbulence. i bought the lousy two dollar headphones to watch the movie, then promptly fell asleep after eating dinner and missed most of shrek 2.
the humidity was the first thing to hit me when i stepped off the plane. i forgot how wet hawaii could be. luckily i wore shorts on the plane. the first night was spent saying hi to everyone, getting settled, and making plans for the following days of vacation. [see photos in in arriving in hawaii]