Side Effects
It has been a week now since I’ve started to take the antibiotics meant to cure what ails me. I find it funny how drugs that are meant to help cure you make you feel so blah. I guess it’s just how your body interacts with the drug, teaming up with your immune system to defeat whatever is bothering you. I suppose that’s why they put all those funky adverse effects on the label. You know the ones like “may cause diarrhea, nausea, and bleeding from various orifices”.
The two antibiotics I’m ingesting - Ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole - have been unkind to me. After taking Metronidazole, I get hot flashes during the day. After adding Ciprofloxacin to the mix, I get lightheaded and nauseous. It makes functioning a bit difficult. I can’t drive a car. When I’m a passenger in a car I feel car sick immediately. I can’t stare at a computer screen too long because I’ll start to feel more ill. (BTW - I’m composing this via an iPad/iPhone app called Dragon Dictation.) If you do searches on both drugs (here and here) you can see that the side effects could be worse. Thankfully they aren’t.
At this point, I have 2 1/2 days more of the medication to take. I’ll take my last pills on Saturday morning, suffering through the effects throughout the day. I’m hoping Saturday night and Sunday will be much better. Later, I’ll have to follow up with the doctor to see what the heck cause my issue in the first place. Hopefully, it’s nothing too serious. Hopefully, I won’t need to take these medications again.
Been Ill
I’m sorry I haven’t been posting lately, especially missing the weekly Wednesday Mia photo post. But I was sick. Actually, I still am a bit ill.
The short story:
- Woke up with a stomach ache Tuesday morning. Thought nothing of it. Took a couple of antacids hoping it’d go away.
- Wednesday morning I woke up with more localized pain on the left side of my abdomen. (By the way - this was also Mia’s first day at daycare. More on that in a later post.) By afternoon I had cold and hot flashes.
- Wednesday afternoon I was able to get an appointment with a doctor. Turns out I had a 102.6 fever, but of course, I felt cold so I didn’t notice. He prescribed antibiotics - Ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole - as well as getting a blood test.
- The doc’s diagnosis is either stomach flu or diverticulitis.
At this point, the pain in my belly is still there, but it has lessened in strength. The medication I’m on is throwing me for a loop. I’m taking Ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole. I’m getting nauseous on one antibiotic and getting hot flashes with the other. Fun huh? Unfortunately, you can’t just stop taking the antibiotic - a 10-day course - so I’ll be suffering for a while.
I’m not sure if it’s diverticulitis or the stomach flu, even though the doctor feels it’s the former. The long-term treatment for diverticulitis is a change in diet. I guess that wouldn’t hurt. Either way, I’m stuck with these antibiotics for the next several days.
Four Weeks

It has been four weeks. In the quiet times, when there is a chance for reflection, time seems to have passed by rapidly. At other times, especially during the crying spells, time seems to move glacially. Either way, it still amounts to four weeks. Mia is now four weeks old.
Things Learned
There are only so many books you can read and so many stories you can hear from others who’ve been through it, to prepare you for a child. I’m sure what we’ve learned is contained in a book, a web site, or a friend’s story, but nonetheless here are a few things we’ve learned:
- Crying doesn’t always mean she is hungry. Sometimes she just wants to be held, especially at 3am.
- Baby acne just happens. Seriously, it wasn’t the gangly beard I grew that caused her face or arm rash.
- Changing one diaper can rapidly digress into changing three diapers.
- During a diaper change, if her butt is angled correctly, she can project a poo stream a good foot away. Yeah, it happened. Luckily I was to her right when it did.
- She’s not cross-eyed. She’s just trying to focus at something far away. Whew!
- Hiccups happen. It seems to not bother Mia as much as us.
- It’s probably wise to do a load of laundry a day, both for yourself and the baby.
- is a great site. It is especially great for subscription services. You can subscribe to diapers, wipes, etc. It’s convenient and saves some money as well.
- Another good site is I had to call their customer service because of a missed shipment. They were very quick in correcting the issue. They also ship as quick as Amazon does.
- The Baby Geek app for the iPhone / iPad has been very helpful.
The Cuteness
There are many cute things Mia does. I’ve tried to capture the moments on video, but sometimes it’s not possible. Here are a few that I don’t want to forget about:
- After she sneezes, Mia lets out this exhaustive sigh, as if the sneeze took every ounce of energy she had.
- When Mia wakes up, she stretches multiple times, contorting her body in an “S” shape, getting the most out of each consecutive stretch.
- She can lift her own head when doing the over-the-shoulder burp. This makes it difficult to hold her at times.
- From time to time she makes an “O” shape with her mouth as if she’s about to say something. As long as it’s not crying, it’s good.
- She sleeps with her arms raised as if she’s crossing a finish line.
I’m sure the future holds more to come, both in learning and cuteness.
Mia Izobel

Mia Izobel was born at 10:16 am on July 1, 2010. She weighs 7 lbs 12.2 oz, is 19 1/2 inches long, with a thick head of hair. Mommy and baby are doing great!
Baby Shower Weekend

We had our baby shower this weekend in Cuesta Park. Luckily the day was warm and sunny, a welcome break from the unusually raining weather we’ve been having here. We cannot say thank you enough to our family and friends who helped put this party together. They did so much work to put this amazing celebration together.
We are equally thankful to our family and friends who were able to share this day with us. You can find tons of photos from the party here. If you need the password to access, please email either Farrah or I. Or you can send an email to feedback [at] janella dot com.
Monday started off well. We had an early morning appointment where we were able to hear the baby’s heartbeat again. It is always a great thing to hear. But after lunch, my noise canceling headphones decided to break on me. I’ve had them for over two years, which I guess is a decent amount of time. But now I can hear all the talking in the office. It makes it a bit more difficult to concentrate.
I’ll need to hop onto Amazon to search for new headphones.
About a Girl

We are having a girl!
We reconfirmed this with an ultrasound earlier this week. Farrah had an ultrasound about four weeks ago. During that ultrasound, measurements were taken then and we could find out the sex of our baby. We shared the news with a few people. But not long after that ultrasound was completed, we were called by the hospital asking to schedule another ultrasound. It seems the technician couldn’t record a good enough view of the heart to satisfy whoever reviews the scans. We had the follow-up ultrasound this past Monday.
The technician performing the scan at this appointment appeared to be more thorough. He provided better commentary on what we were looking at on screen than the previous technician. We were able to watch her heart beating, watching the blood flow in and out. We also saw, through color mapping, how blood was flowing through the umbilical cord. It’s an amazing sight to see. So, Button is coming along nicely.
Wait, who or what is Button?

Button is the current nickname for our future bundle of joy.
We have been thinking about names ever since we found out Farrah is pregnant, even more so after finding out the sex. Until she is born, we’ve decided to use nicknames. The first name we gave her before we knew it was her, was Jazzy. The origins of this name came from movements she made during one of Farrah’s first ultrasounds. It looked as if she was waving both of her hands at us, showing us her jazz hands.
Several weeks later, after another ultrasound, the name Box popped into my head. At this point we still didn’t know the sex. I thought that since this fact was hidden from us, it was basically like being in a box, almost like a present. Yes, I could have gone with something like Gift or Present, but Box seemed to fit. I know, it sounds odd.
And finally, we arrive at Button. The phrase “Cute as a button” popped into my head. And so, Button is where it currently stands.
Don’t worry, she won’t end up with any of these nicknames when she makes her entrance. But we are still thinking of names and haven’t settled on a particular one yet. You’ll know our decision soon enough.

Steak and corn for dinner tonight!
To celebrate the nice day outside, I decided to throw a couple of ribeye steaks and corn-on-the-cob on the grill. Farrah is making bibingka as well.
How do you take your steak?
Just because I'm hurting
Doesn't mean I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I didn't get what I deserve
No better and no worse
--- Lost! by Coldplay
I was laid off yesterday. I was let go. I was kicked-to-the-curb. My services were no longer required. And yet I feel fine today.
Honestly, there is no bitterness behind my words. This is not my first layoff, and I’m sure it won’t be my last. Yesterday’s events were completely expected. I’ve been laid off three times before, once having the opportunity to relocate but choosing not to do so. All of the times this has happened its been expected. And yes, waiting for the axe to fall is more difficult than the actual axing. But the most difficult part of yesterday, as with the other times I’ve been through this process, was saying goodbye to the people I worked with over the years. It’s tough.
I don’t like writing about work for fear of getting dooced, so I won’t go much further on this subject.
I’ll spend a few days gathering my wits, then plunge ahead with the job search. I’m a glass-half-full-type-of-guy. There’s a silver lining in this situation. I just need to find it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon I’ll realize what it is - to badly paraphrase a line from Casablanca.
Silver linings do exists. It’s all a matter of perspective.
She's Having My Baby

Ultrasound of the Little Dude or Little Dudette
Farrah is pregnant!
[Note: Apologies to our shared friends on Facebook. I know you’ve heard this announcement before, from Farrah’s wall posting last week. I just haven’t had time to make a blog post and post it on my Facebook wall as well.]
Not much to add. Well, I guess we could throw in a few details.
How far along are you?
At this point Farrah is at 14 weeks.
When did you find out?
The morning of November 1. Farrah woke me up early that morning, showing me a photo on her iPhone of a home pregnancy test. I had to ask who’s it was. She then smiled and said, “It’s mine!” Later that day we took two other tests just to be sure.
When is your due date?
July 11th.
Do you know the sex of the baby?
Not yet. It’s too early. But we do want to find out when we can.
How are you feeling?
Not too bad. Luckily Farrah hasn’t experienced a lot of morning sickness, though there were times where she did not feel like eating. Her appetite returned last weekend with the beginning of the second trimester.
We hear that the second trimester is the best. I can say, for both of us, that we’re extremely happy, excited, and of course, nervous. I take it all of those are natural responses.
Last Monday, we heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. At first it was difficult to distinguish it from the static coming from the Doppler Baby Heart Monitor’s - I think that’s what it’s called - speaker. After some maneuvering of the microphone by the doctor, a clearly identifiable strong heartbeat was coming through. I have to say hearing the heartbeat was as cool as seeing the first ultrasound of the baby back in November. I honestly could have cried. Yes, I did cry during a couple of the ultrasounds.
We can’t wait until July.
My Year in Review Plus More or Less List
A belated Happy New Year to all! Welcome to Twenty-Ten! This is the proper way to say it, right?
Again, I blame the Winter Break for not doing this post earlier. But here I am, a little late to the party, trying to summarize blog postings and happenings from the last year:
- Kayla started playing volleyball. This prompted my sister to get into DSLR photography. She is doing great taking photos, and using the plenty of tips on photography from family and friends.
- This past Christmas Eve we did our first Skype call with my sister and her family in Nebraska. I think it surprised my mom, who was happy to see them on screen even though she had just seen them in person less than a month earlier. Ah, technology.
- Two new additions to the extended family this past year: Kaleb and Kaelin.
- We did a few concerts this year: Paolo Nutini, Dane Cook, Rex Navarette, and Tori Amos. Farrah also saw No Doubt at Shoreline.
- We saw the King Tut exhibit and went to the California Academy of Sciences. I didn’t blog about King Tut, but will probably do so in March.
- We bought our first LCD TV and took the dive into blu-ray.
- We, and everyone else bought the iPhone 3GS. It’s been a very good phone for us.
- Once again, the state of this blog has fluctuated this year. The blog has bounced from Wordpress to to Tumblr to Wordpress again. I also pointed the domain ( directly to my Smugmug account to start a new site And once again, with my manic web life, I’ve decided to shut down and blog back at Confusing, huh? Even though everyone seems to be on Facebook, I believe I will continue to blog here. I want to avoid getting stuck in a walled garden.
- My uncle passed away last year. It was tough to take, even though I hadn’t seen him in so long.
Ok, now onto my New Year’s resolution list. I know, you really don’t need to wait until a new year begins to make a list of goals. You should be able to do this any day of the week. But I suppose New Year’s Day is an apt occasion to think about what you’d like to change. Wait? Wasn’t New Year’s Day about a week ago? Yes, it was, and I’ve listed “less procrastinating” as one of my goals.
I present here, in this blog post, my “More or Less List.” Should be a straightforward read.
In the coming year, I would like to do more:
- Reading: I do plenty of online reading. I’d like to read more books. I started two books last year, American Gods and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I got halfway through both books. I need to finish those first, then find other books of interest.
- Writing: I’ve been trying to write an hour a day, write like a stream of consciousness. I’d like to continue this. I’m hoping this leads to better blog entries or at least more interesting entries.
- Taking photos: As I’ve said in a previous post, I’d like to take more pictures and to be more creative. My understand lighting and depth-of-field seem to be growing more, but I don’t think about it often on-the-fly. Also, following some of these resolutions would be good.
- Watching movies: There was a time when I would devour movies. But my ability to sit through a film waned a few years ago. I’ve been able to watch a few movies the last several months. I hope to continue the trend.
- Exercising: I took a month or so off for the holidays. I need to desperately jump back on this horse.
- Cooking: I need to bust out the pots and pans more this year.>
I probably should do less of the following:
- Dining out: Too many restaurants too often. But it does help with my Yelp reviews. I should be cooking more though.
- Playing video games: I’ve already conquered the world (Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution), won 15 Super Bowls (Madden 10), beat Arsenal to a pulp (FIFA 10), and saved the world - for the time being (Call fo Duty: Modern Warfare 2). Time to cut down the hours on the PS3.
- Giving in to treats: I need to eat less chocolate, drink less soda, and cut down on my Starbucks Mocha consumption. Of course, if we receive a care package with chocolate in it, well, I’ll probably breakdown. I’ve been successful in cutting down on the mochas, so far.
- Spend less time on Facebook, Tumblr, etc.: I’m thinking of just logging in once a week instead of the multiple times a day, onto these networks. Just a thought.
- Procrastinating: Yes, I just need to get things done!
How did I do compared to last year’s list? Considering that I have many repeats on this list, it seems I didn’t do well. I probably should assess how I’m doing by the middle of the year.
I Wasn't Here
I wasn’t here during the Loma Prieta earthquake 20 years ago. I was out of California, doing my stint for God and country. I remember when the quake happened. It was my day off. I had set the VCR in my bedroom to tape the third game of the World Series. I brought back takeout from Whataburger. I’m pretty sure it was a double-meat Whataburger with jalapenos. I remember setting down the bag, turning on the tv a little after 7 in the afternoon, and then seeing just a green screen with the words “World Series” on it.
No audio, no nothing.
Then I heard Al Michael’s voice come on. He didn’t mention the word earthquake, but what else could it be. I had a feeling it was pretty big considering there was no video on the television screen. I tried to call home several times but wasn’t able to get through. The video finally came up on some channel, I’m not sure if it was CBS, NBC, or ABC. I think I switched back to ABC to watch the complete coverage. I still wondered if everyone was all right at home.
Later in the evening I finally got through to my parents. Everyone, for the most part, was ok. I think there were a few bumps and bruises, and something about the big mirror in the living room possibly coming down. But thankfully, everyone was fine.
Wow, 20 years ago, huh? I wish, just a little bit, that I was here.
Underneath It All
I am not really a handyman, but for the past several months I’ve had the urge to fix. I’ve attempted to fix things that I normally wouldn’t think twice about hiring someone else to repair. For example, I replaced a car battery, changed our front and back door locks, and fixed a leaky faucet. I know, I know, I’m not rebuilding a car engine, but for someone like myself who is not mechanically inclined, these are quite surprising feats.
As I’ve mentioned before on, we bought a new washer and in dryer. They both initially worked great, but the dryer stopped doing a great job in drying several weeks ago. By going through the troubleshooting steps in the manual, we figured out the problem was with the dryer exhaust hose. The hose connects from the back of the dryer, runs underneath the house, and exits through the side of the house.
No Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock here. Lucky me, I get to go under the house! The last time I was under house was four years ago. It was an unpleasant experience. I think I may still have a few scrapes from that last adventure. As a kid, going under the house was fun. When we had plumbing problems that required someone to go under and check on “the pipes”, I readily volunteered. Of course I was much smaller and slimmer back then. But now as a larger and more phobia-straddled adult, going under the house is not much fun. It was also once fun to climb up to the roof of the house to watch the Fourth of July fireworks. Now the only reason I go up on the roof is to clean the gutters before the next rainfall.
For this trip down below, I was intent on being prepared or as best prepared as possible. I bought a pair of coveralls at Sears (on sale!). I also bought a pair of hardy knee pads at Lowe’s, in hopes of counteracting any beating my knees might encounter. In hindsight I should have also purchased gloves, as my hands can take quite a thrashing under the house as well.
To make a long story short, with my wife’s help, we were able to replace the dryer hose and fix the problem. The dryer once again works as advertised! I know it’s not rocket science, but it just goes to show that all it takes is a little research and hard work to fix certain problems around the house. I’m not sure where this “urge to fix” has come from - perhaps from all the DYI shows on television. But with the help of the Internet, with all of its self-help websites and videos, you can do almost do anything. I don’t think I’d tackle rewiring the house, but as for the smaller jobs, leave them to me.
Getting Ready for HE
I’m watching videos and reading information on HE (High Efficiency) detergents. We just purchased a new HE washer - waiting for it to be delivered soon. You can watch two more videos on HE information here and here. We were hoping to get a front-loading washer, but space limitations forced us to get a top-loading HE washer. I think it’ll work out great.
Half A World Away
The last time I saw my uncle was thirty-three years ago when I went to the Philippines. It was the first and only time I had been to the homeland of my parents. I was young and bratty, traveling without my sisters for the first and only time. I’m not sure why my parents took me, but I went willingly.
At that age, I had two concerns going to the Philippines, (1) the lack of a tv, and (2) the lack of food I was accustomed to eating. I was a child comfortably familiar with fast food, enjoying McDonald’s and KFC more than any Filipino dishes.
To be even more honest, I was afraid that any meat I would eat on this trip would be a dog. I bought into this notion for some reason. Perhaps it was my sisters who sold me on the possibility, I’m not exactly sure, but it was ever present in my thoughts around meal time. I was still young enough to scream and cry if I didn’t get my way. But while in the Philippines I would often not get my way because I just couldn’t. For those occasions, I just did not eat.
But one day my Uncle David gave in. He had two dogs when I first met them. From what I recall the dogs were friendly and full grown. He traded his dogs to another person for chickens, chickens for me to eat. I thanked him, at my mom’s prompting, not fully grateful for his kind gesture. Only days later did it really sink in what he did for me.
I gravitated to my uncle as the days passed. He was the only other person I could talk to since he spoke English, the others talking very little. He would translate for me and talk to me about anything and everything. We spent as much time as we could knowing the days would pass by quickly.
My uncle was always there for me during our time in the Philippines. One day I was a complete idiot and hurt myself while hanging out with the cool adults. I managed to get my foot caught in the back spokes of a motorcycle as it was being pushed forward. He picked me in his arms and rushed me to the local hospital.
He did so much more for me now that I think about it, and I wish I could recall more, but the memories are fading.
I do remember the last day I saw him, the day we left. I hugged him and cried, not wanting to leave him behind. I told him I would write him every day when I got back home. He said, “Of course, you will, but you will forget in time to write.” He was right.
I wrote for the first several months when we got back. The months then turned to a letter once a year. Then it turned to no letters at all. When he would call my mom, and I would answer the phone, there was no longer a sense of connection when we talked. We had grown apart, time and distance creating a wedge I believe he know would exist.
Now he is gone, at rest. But he lived a full life, and I had a brief moment to remember him. I might have never met him if I didn’t go on that trip thirty-three years ago.