When It Rains...
The day started off slow. I took Farrah to work a little after 7:30 AM, later than I was planning. I went back home, took a shower, then headed off to Cupertino to hang out at //Panera.
First thing to go wrong: absolutely no parking. I circled five times around the small lot before giving up. I then headed over to //Starbucks off of El Camino Real and Mathilda. There I was met with no seating. I’m batting 0-2.
I then headed over to the Starbucks on Mathilda and Evelyn. Parking and seating! Looks like my luck was changing. Oh, but then I logged onto the T-Mobile network. I was wondering why I was paying more than expected for the WiFi connection I have been using through Starbucks. It seems I misunderstood the terms. So it has been costing me about $20 more than expected, the way I’ve been using their WiFI. I’m feeling like an idiot at this point.
I stay there for an hour and head on out. I got into my truck and started to back up. The truck seemed a little sluggish, as if I was dragging something. The steering was fine, so I proceeded forward thinking it was the wet road. Oh, did I mention it was raining pretty hard today? Anyway, I continue on, but now I’m a little concerned as I’m half way through the parking lot. I pull over into a space and check the truck. I make my way around the rear of the truck toward the passenger side then…BAM…flat tire! The rain seems to be coming down harder at this point.
For the next hour, I struggle taking off the old tire, crawling on the ground to place the jack strategically. I then lay on the ground to retrieve the spare tire from the undercarriage. I get down on my hands and knees to get things right. Oh, did I mention it was raining? Oh yeah I did. But did I mention the wind? Or the many people who walked by just looking? They did have time to make comments, such as “Oh, this is a bad time for that to happen." When is the f-ing good time for this to happen!?!?!?
Anyway, I’m tightening the last bolt of the spare I had just put on, when a guy in the next car walks up with a T tire wrench. “Want to use this, sir?”, he asks. Uh, a little late don’t you think? It felt like he was trying to cover his butt with the karma police, but at least he made the gesture right?
Well, I’m back home, showered and in bed on the computer. I don’t think I’m going to venture out until I pick up Farrah this afternoon.
Today may not be my day.
Holiday Weekend
The holiday weekend found Farrah and I not doing much out of the ordinary. On Saturday, we decided to drive up to Tiburon for a quick look around town. We then went to Salsulito for lunch at the Winship restaurant. The weather in the North Bay was very cold and wet, compared to the partly sunny - yet still cold - South Bay.

I’d never been to //Sausalito before but Farrah had been with Yen. It’s a nice quite town, reminding me of downtown Campbell but closer to the ocean. We first ate lunch because we (1) were hungry, and (2) wanted to get out of the cold and wet weather. The //Winship restaurant was the second place we saw that looked like a decent place to eat.
The restaurant had a sea theme, with a faux ship in the middle of the place and turtle shell like lighting fixtures. The menu both had seafood as well as burgers and other sandwiches. We had to try the ‘Crispy Fried Calamari" as we make it a point to try fried calamari if restaurant serves it. I was crispy, but lacked any special flavor.
I had the BBQ pork sandwich which was listed as an open face sandwich, but it didn’t come as such. They had a variety of onions on it, both chopped, diced and sliced, which I thought was strange. The sandwich tasted fine, though the BBQ sauce was neither tangy or sweet as if not to offend the taste buds. Farrah had the Waldorf Chicken Salad Sandwich which she enjoyed.
After lunch, we walked around downtown. We stopped by a candy store called Munchies, which offered a variety of salt water taffy. The owner of the place was very friendly, offering customers the option of trying anything in the store. We proceeded to load up a small bucket with a variety of flavors, choosing not to try anything beforehand. We then headed to the local Starbucks for some coffee and conversation.
The Starbucks there has a nice view of one of the major intersections in town. Farrah and I sat in tall barstool like chairs facing the window looking outside. We watched the rain come down on people passing by, some coming in for a cup of coffee, others trying to make it to other stores on the strip. We tried to come up with places to go to next, but decided to head back home as the weather appeared to be getting worse, and Farrah’s migraine, which started before lunchtime, was also becoming more discomforting.
Later that evening we went to Farrah’s parents’ house for dinner. We had chicken, steak (ummm…steak) and leftover sushi rice Farrah had made the night before. Afterward, we called it a day and headed home to watch some TV.
On Sunday, we decided to stay in and catch up on TV and movies. We watched Elizabethtown (review forthcoming) and Farrah watched her other TV shows that I have a passing knowledge of (such as McCleod’s Daughters and Footballers Wive$)
Today we had lunch at the Boardwalk in Mountain View. Farrah said the place was similar to St. John’s in Sunnyvale, a dark pub-like atmosphere where burgers, cheesesteaks, sausages, and beers are served. I had the Louisiana Hot Sausage which was very very good. The spiciness of the links didn’t registered until well after you started chewing on it. Very nice. We also had a basket of spicy curly fries which makes for a nice side order. Farrah had the “Lo C” meal which consisted of two hamburger patties, cheese, salad and dressing. She’s had this dish the few times she’s been there. Afterward, we headed to the mall for a couple of hours of window shopping.
Relapse 2.0
I’ve injured my left eye again. It seems the scratch I endured //last October did not fully heal. I had felt some discomfort earlier this week, which resulted in a nice two-day headache. On Wednesday I thought the pain had passed, but Thursday night I was in discomfort slash complaining mode. By Friday morning my left eye had swollen.
I made an appointed to be seen that morning. I had an appointment with an Ophthalmologist. This first Ophthalmologist confirmed there was a new scratch, but needed to refer me to someone of more experience on treatment. The treatment was to patch my left eye, but first she needed to scrap a layer of skin away from the eye. Doing this would hopefully yield even healing on the eye. She numbed my eye during the procedure, but after the medication wore off, my eye felt beat up. I needed to take Tylenol for the next two days.

Farrah took me to see the Ophthalmologist on Sunday morning for a follow-up. Good news! She said the eye healed a 100%, meaning the layer she scraped away has grown back to cover they eye. But treatment needs to continue in order to ensure the layer stays intact. So it looks like I’ll be using certain eye drops and lubricants for the next several months so this does not happen again. And believe me, I don’t want it to happen again.
The First Saturday in February
I’m sitting outside Express in //Bay Street shops in Emeryville. Farrah is in one of the many shops, and I just got out of the Apple store. I’m sitting on a bench, and it is a pretty chilly late afternoon (around 5:30 PM). I’m not sure if I will be able to post this entry to the website from here. I’m getting a weak WiFi signal from the Apple store, but I don’t think I’ll be out here long. The day has been pretty much uneventful, though I the week holds promise.
Last week was pretty rough, and seemingly long. An uncle in Hawaii passed away. His death, almost any death, still reminds me of my father. I’m not sure why, even after all these years, but it still does. My uncle, someone as a kid I would call my rich uncle, had become ill in September. From what I understand he was up and around in the beginning of last year, showing no signs of disability, save his age. He was tending his garden still, going out when need be. But I suppose time catches up with everyone. He was 93 when he died.
I saw Uncle Teofilo after our wedding. I visited his home with my mom, where I saw my aunt and cousins. Uncle was bedridden, talking incoherently as we walked into his room. It took about 15 minutes to recognize my mom, 20 minutes to recognize me. When he did recognize me, it was as if a light switch had been turned on. He wished Farrah and I a happy honeymoon, as if we were in the middle of a conversation. His words brought tears to my eyes. After those words, I had to leave. I didn’t want to see him fade away. It’s something about seeing someone who you remember being so strong, now not being able to care for themselves. It hits hard. From what I understand, my uncle was pretty stubborn when he was lucid, wanting to move around and go when the urge took him over.
My mom went to the funeral, and stayed with relatives for a few days. I just contemplated life, thinking of what was, what is, and what will be. Yes, I’m getting a little reflective in my downtime. I need to find a job and keep busy.
So this week is almost over and a new one is about to begin. Let’s hope this week is a little better.
Things To Remember from this December
I wanted to jot down a few things to remember this month, besides the wedding. Most of these events happened in Hawaii, so I guess it still involves the wedding in some way.
- the lady on crutches at //Sam Choy Breakfast, Lunch & Crab who offered to take our photo during breakfast? She took Farrah's camera, took a step back, and raised the camera over her head, then quickly fell to the ground. She, the camera, and her crutches came tumbling down. Ouch!
- hearing the song, "I'm N Luv (Wit a Stripper)" for the first time early one morning? //These lyrics are something to hear.
- when everyone got sick? Farrah, Alex, Yen, Fina, Dad, Roger, Jane, Tiana (when we got here), and Dad's friend. Roger had a sinus infection, Farrah was on antibiotics, and Yen was on a couple of different things.
- getting the car towed from Jane and Roger's place? I woke up at 6:00AM to go to Starbucks only to find the car had been towed. I know the sign said don't park there from 2:00 AM to 7:00 AM, but from what I understood that hadn't been enforced often. Guess the Christmas season keeps everyone on their toes.
- Khalil ordering shaved ice for everyone? He was a little worried on how to order, but did a good job. Only problem was that we asked for ice cream and beans, only to find out that there were no beans at the bottom of the cone. Disappointment for all.
- seeing stores open in Waikiki on Christmas night? We drove back to the hotel at around 10:30 PM, passing by people coming out of different shops on the strip. I guess Waikiki stores never close.
We're Married!!!
It is official! Farrah and I our now husband and wife!
We took our wedding vows on the lagoon lawn at the //JW Marriot Ihilani yesterday afternoon. The weather was very nice, except for the gusting wind - which blew at about 15-20 mph - but that didn’t really make a dent in the day’s events. It’s only worth noting because today is such a calm day at Ihilani. But like I was telling Farrah, “That day was our day”.
Pre-ceremony photos ran a little behind, but it didn’t push our wedding start time back. We actually started on time at 4:30 PM. The wedding started with me walking my mother down the aisle to her seat. I then made my way back to the groomsmen where we walked in order behind the Pastor. We took our positions and waited for the bridal party.
//Cory Oliveros, the acoustic guitarist/singer we hired, started to sing “The Road that Never Ends”. I must admit when I heard this song and saw the bridesmaids line up in the distance, I started to tear up. The bridesmaids started about 30 yards away from the ceremony spot, walking on the lawn through the palm trees. I first saw Kayla, who made me smile so much. Then Kay, Kristel, Fina, Michelle and Yen.
Then off in the distance, from the starting point 30 yards away I saw Farrah and her parents. Cory then started to sing “The Hawaiian Wedding Song”. This really got me going. I couldn’t believe the amount of emotion I was trying to contain, not wanting to breakout in a full cry. I was very very happy.
The whole ceremony went off as planned. Pastor Curtis Fong conducted a wonderful ceremony. The only hiccup was the lei ceremony we wanted to be done. We conducted after the ceremony, at the wedding certificate signing table. So it wasn’t a big deal it didn’t take place in the main ceremony.
Farrah and I took more photos with the bridal party, and by ourselves, after the ceremony. Derek Wong was very meticulous in directing us during the photo shoot. I really liked the fact he was paying attention the everything in the shot - from items or people in the background to lighting. There were times where I wish shots could be taken quicker, but if you really want the photos to come out right you need to take some time. I really appreciate the pressure a wedding photographer must endure. I have faith that all the photos will be great!
The reception started almost on time in the Ocean Ballroom. Rodney Villanueva, our emcee, really had the crowd going. Rodney really had our guests laughing and the reception moved along smoothly with his guidance.
Wonderful dancing was provided by //Iwalani’s School of Dance and The Philippine Dance Group during dinner. Heartfelt toasts were given by Yen and Doug, and Lotte’s words about Farrah and I meeting were very touching.
After the professional looking slideshow was done by //Aloha Friday Productions was completed, we started the cake cutting and dancing. Farrah and her dad danced to “Butterfly Kisses” and Farrah and I danced to “Songbird”. I wanted to dance with my mother for a song, but time seemed to be slipping away.
The evening ended with everyone on the dance floor. We stayed for a while longer, but the full day had taken it’s toll on our energy. But it was a full and lovely day. Everyone who helped make this day happen cannot fully know how thankful we are for their support. I will post photos when I can. I just wanted to write this out while I had the chance.
I don’t think Farrah and I could have imagined a more perfect day.
Sideshows Come to Sunnyvale?
I pull out of the house this morning around 7:00am. I get to the corner of Ahwahnee and Fair Oaks, the first major intersection I hit as I head into work. I stop at the red light and watch a guy in a black side-dented Chevy truck make a U-turn to go to south-bound 101, even though no u-turn is allow. The guy in the black Chevy truck proceeds to go around in circle, burning rubber in the intersection, as people wait to cross. He does this for about 4 or 5 circles, enough for the smoke and smell of burnt rubber to fill the air. Then he takes off, satisfied that he has made a spectacle of himself.
It’s nice to start the day with a nice dose of idiocy. I wonder what is going to happen the rest of the day.
Things This Weekend
Farrah and I went to San Francisco this morning, going to [Paper Source] to look at paper products (of course). While there we had breakfast at the local [Noah’s Bagels] on Fillmore. I’m not a big bagel person, but I had the Egg Mit with Turkey Sausage. Not too bad.
After spending time at Paper Source, we headed down the street to Japantown to look at the [Nihonmachi Street Fair]. We arrived just in time to catch the taiko drum performance by the [San Francisco Taiko Dojo Rising Stars]. A quick walk around, then after some malasadas and a chicken rice bowl lunch, we headed back home.

Very nice day.
July - End of Month Rant
I haven’t written anything of too much substance this month. So let’s see what I can pull out of my butt right here.
First off, I added two new albums to the [Flickr] page. The first is a long over due album from Skylar’s birthday celebration in May. The photos were taken with the Sony T-1, before I got my Nikon:

I’ll need to go down and take some more photos of the kids, as well as Scott and Stefanie. The other album added was during a Yahoo! Music on the Green. The artist who was performing was [Brandi Carlile] She did a fine job. I’m not particularly happy with the photos I took of the event, wishing I was more aggressive, but that is something I need to work on.
This weekend not much happened. Today Farrah and I tried the new [Lori’s Diner] in Cupertino. We had a late lunch. The service was a little slow. Farrah ordered the Chicken Fried Steak (good) and I had the Southern Fried Chicken (good as well). Our waitress did notice that our orders were taking a bit long, as the dreaded ‘large party ahead of you’ was getting all the service. So she gave us dessert for free! We enjoyed a nice hot fudge sundae for a nice summer’s day.
I also managed to finish season one of 24, watching it because Bert and Evan couldn’t stop talking about it!?!?!? Overall, season one was a satisfying season. The characters and storyline does make me want to continue onto the next series, so season two of 24 is in my Netflix queue.
What else? Well, a site update when sour when I tried to upgrade the Gallery application used for the site photos page. I’m still recovering from that because I didn’t have a ‘latest backup’ of the web site. This should teach me to back up every week! So those photos will be inaccessible for a while.
I guess that is it for now. I’m going to head to bed.
Remembering Rockville
I was feeling nostalgic yesterday afternoon. It most likely started because I was listening to R.E.M.’s (Don’t Go Back To) Rockville, a song we played quite often when I was stationed in Iceland.
The year I spent in Iceland started very rough. When I arrived in March, the snow had yet to begun to melt. I remember falling down a couple of times in my dress blues, not getting used to all the ice and snow. It was difficult to fit in with my roommate on main base as well. Then my uncle died, without my mom or sisters telling me.
I was always afraid that my father would pass away when I was in the service - in some far off place without being able to spend some time with him. When my uncle died - my dad’s brother - it hit me very hard. I had just seen him the week before I left. He had suffered a massive stroke. He could not communicate and was being fed through a tube it his stomach. It was difficult to see this once vital man in this condition. And then I would picture my father in such a state, without me there to help him or be with him.
What hurt more of course was my mom not telling me he passed away. She didn’t want me to worry, didn’t want me to come back to California for the funeral as I just left there. She didn’t think the military would give me leave, but they would have. I got drunk that night. I got very drunk.
So there is that memory to deal with when I think of Iceland, but there many fond memories as well. I won’t get into them, but I wanted to see if there was any information about Rockville, the little radar station I was at, on the Internet. You know what there is!
I found [Ken Walsh’s] pages on pbase, specifically his page on [Rockville, Iceland]. And I also found [this page on] which shows Rockville as a drug rehab facility now.
Things have changed.
Thoughts from Yosemite Lodge
Today’s blog entry was typed in the Yosemite Lodge, room 4109 Aspen building in Yosemite, California. It’s around 10:40 pm right now.
Today is my birthday. It has been a wonderful day. I don’t have access to the Internet here, at least not in the room, so I am typing this blog entry into Microsoft Word and will place it on the site later. And later is now, since you are reading these words at this moment.
We arrived in Yosemite late yesterday. We left Sunnyvale around 11:45 am, but not before Farrah and my mom sing happy birthday to me. Farrah bought me a huge chocolate chip cookie from Mrs. Fields, candles and frosting included! After blowing out the candles, going to Huong Lan and Starbucks, we heading off to Yosemite.

Coming in on the 120 route (West entrance) we were treated to a lot of snow and a view of valleys and waterfalls we haven’t seen before. The trek into Yosemite was through some high altitude and winding roads. Very high hitting 4000 feet and very winding on par with some of the hairy stuff on Highway 1. We were trying to take the South West Entrance (which is Highway 140), but mistakenly thought 120 was the route we were thinking about. Oh well, it worked out great. We saw a lot of great snow and even saw two wolves on the way in! They were on the road way, causing people to stop and stare. Luckily no one was stupid enough to get out of their car or at least I think they weren’t.
We checked in late afternoon, getting a very nice room on the second floor. The room has two full beds, a bathroom, balcony, and surprisingly a television. Granted the television only receives 5-6 channels, but we weren’t expecting one at all. We have been watching mostly the National Geographic Channel which is on a religious kick this weekend, it being Easter weekend and all. The show we’ve been watching is called “Quest for Truth”. We watched episodes “Quest for Noah’s Flood”, “King Soloman’s Tablet”, and the ever popular “Quest for Hogzilla”
Well, getting to today’s events. The morning started off slow for me. Farrah woke me up saying happy birthday and trying to get me up. She pried my eyes open by mentioning presents. Present I got to open on my birthday were:
- Mike and Ikes
- Hersey's Miniatures (nuts and regular)
- [Superman/Batman Hardcover] - covering the Supergirl saga
- Alton Brown's "[I'm Just Here for the Food]"
When I post the photos you will be able to see that I still looked a little groggy. Farrah let me sleep a couple more hours.
We had breakfast at the local Yosemite Lodge cafeteria, where the food is so so and the price is a little high. Convenience has its cost. We then took a trip to the Yosemite Village, where we scored some very good parking in the lot. At Yosemite Village we went to the Ansel Adams Museum which we never visited. After looking around the Village more, we decided to head back up Highway 120. We noticed several places to stop off and take photos, but didn’t take the opportunity on our drive in.
We stopped by a river bank and took some photos (see the feet photo), and then made our way up further for a valley type shot. We were amazed at the amount of people here this weekend as it wasn’t this crowded the last three years we came. At least from what we remember the park is usually sparse this time of year. Oh well, just have to deal, right?
After our Highway 120 trip, we headed back to Yosemite Village to get lunch at Degnan’s Deli. A couple of weird things happened: (1) a dog we ran into twice at Yosemite Village earlier, we ran into on Highway 120 as he was heading out of Yosemite!; and (2) after circling the parking lot once at Yosemite Village, we ending up with the exact same parking spot we had only two hours ago!
Degnan’s Deli was a good choice as the food was good. It was also a bad choice as the line and wait was very long. It took about an hour to get our sandwiches. Having a late lunch pushed our dinner plans back considerably, as we were going to have dinner in the Mountain Room Restaurant.
The Mountain Room Restaurant is here at Yosemite Lodge, walking distance from our room. The restaurant is somewhat pricey because (1) their food is good, and (2) the view is good and well, during the daytime. We had a great late birthday dinner. Farrah had the Pork Roast ever so tender, and I had the Lamb Shank ever so tender as well. Each bite almost didn’t require thought to chew or even the ability to chew itself. The food just melted in your mouth. We had to save room for dessert as well: bread pudding for Farrah, and two scoops of chocolate ice cream for me. Man, how many times have I used the work “chocolate” in this entry?
Well, it is almost 11:15 pm right now, as I’m finishing up these last thoughts. Farrah is sleeping soundly. The room is nice and toasty, and the view from the window into the dark night is wonderfully lit by the full moon. Tomorrow we plan to see a water fall or two, hopefully around sunrise. As for today, and actually this month as my birthday was celebrated with Rex’s on March 12th, it has been a great birthday this year.
I love you all and thank you for making my birthday this year memorable.
What's Been Happening Besides Site Updates?
I haven’t posted anything personal lately. I’ve been a bit busy with little things here and there. Plus most of the things I want to vent about deals with work. If you’ve read some of my past posts you’ll know about reasons for my hesitation to vent about work.
Farrah and I have been planning our concerts to see this year. So far on the agenda there is U2, Tori Amos and Jack Johnson. The Tori ticket buy was just as hectic as the U2 buy, as described earlier. Jack Johnson went without a hitch because it is a general admission event.
Last week, March 12th, we went to Santa Cruz to celebrate Rex’s and my birthday. We had some great ribs, and crab for those who didn’t want ribs. I packed away my share of ribs, stopping at 9 - though I could have continued. There are some digital pictures of the dinner, but I want to wait and get the film photos developed as well.
Gordon’s birthday was also this month, the 9th I believe. Sorry for the check mix up Gordon. Guess I was thinking of those [Girl Scout Cookies] that Tessie still needs to send!
welcome seth emilio salvotti
congratulations to scott and stefanie on their new baby boy! seth emilio salvotti was born on august 18, 2004 @ 12:33. we’ll need to meet seth and skylar soon.

graduation day
today is a day of graduations: yen is graduating from sjsu and john for sfsu. and here i am stuck working at home, not able to attend either ceremony. hopefully i’ll be able to attend the after parties.
congratulations yen!
congratulations john!
last night i went to a rosary for my cousin who passed way last thursday, may 6, 2004. i didn’t know anthony that well. he was always big quiet person, even as a kid. i remember him being very quiet at family parties when i was younger. even when we got older he always seemed quiet, but a happy person when you talked to him. i can say i’ve never seen him sad or even in a bad mood.
about three or four years ago he started having difficulties with his heart. i don’t know all the details. suffice it to say he had difficult times, but from all accounts dealt with them without complaint and smiled to those who had concern for his well being. i guess the last several weeks something came about again. this time he couldn’t overcome the difficulties plaguing his heart.
the rosary and reading last night was a nice tribute to anthony. i found it very hard to hold back the tears especially when my uncle spoke about his son. he spoke about God putting his family through these ‘trials’ and how they would endure. it’s tough when someone passes away, especially someone so young.
i wonder if i should write about such things here on, but then right now it is my only writing outlet. please excuse any of these writings if they seem to be out of place. i’m just trying to make sense of times like these.