Our Cat Has Friends
Tigger has, as of this writing, twenty-four friends. Twenty-four friends? Yes. He has about nineteen more friends than I have on //LJ; eighteen more friends than I have on //Vox; and three more friends then on //360.
If you deciphered the above comments, then you know that Tigger has a social network page. Check it out at //Tigger’s page. And there is also //Dogster if you happen to have a dog.
Now I won’t blog on behalf of Tigger to often. These sites seem well suited to find out more about issues facing pet lovers, as well as sharing memories of those who love us unconditionally. I think that type of niche community site is better suited to finding answers, then say a MySpace page.
Anyway, Tigger is on the Internet. Next thing you know my Mom will have her own blog!?!?!?
Steely Dan's the Man (Actually they're a duo)
The Walking Weekend
The weekend started with a slight dilema. On Friday night I was surfing // looking for things to do on Saturday. I stumbled upon a blog notice saying that Ms. Lauryn Hill was playing the //Catalyst on Saturday!
For those who don’t know, the Catalyst is a nice small place in downtown Santa Cruz. I’ve seen several concerts there, including Maria McKee, the Lemonheads, and Pearl Jam. The combination of a good performers and a small venue is always exciting. The problem: we needed to get up early for the AIDS Walk in San Francisco.
Farrah and I went back and forth on the problem, but ended up not going to see Lauryn Hill. It looks like it may have been a good decision according to a //review of the concert. But it would have been nice to see a good performer in a small venue.
The AIDS Walk was a trek for someone who doesn’t walk long distances, like me! The day started early with the bus taking off at 8:15 am sharp from Mountain View. It was cloudy when we hit Golden Gate Park, but the sun broke out by the time we started the walk at 10:45 am.
It took a while to get out of the starting gate, but once we hit the 1/4 mile mark the crowd started to thin a little. The walk lasted two and a half hours, with Farrah and I stopping at 2 of the 3 rest areas. Two things I learned from the walk: (1) I’m out of shape, and (2) there’s Bison in Golden Gate Park!
By the way, it’s not too late to donate on behalf of Farrah or I. To do so:
The Walking Weekend
For those who don’t know, the Catalyst is a nice small place in downtown Santa Cruz. I’ve seen several concerts there, including Maria McKee, the Lemonheads, and Pearl Jam. The combination of a good performers and a small venue is always exciting. The problem: we needed to get up early for the AIDS Walk in San Francisco.
Farrah and I went back and forth on the problem, but ended up not going to see Lauryn Hill. It looks like it may have been a good decision according to a //review of the concert. But it would have been nice to see a good performer in a small venue.
The AIDS Walk was a trek for someone who doesn’t walk long distances, like me! The day started early with the bus taking off at 8:15 am sharp from Mountain View. It was cloudy when we hit Golden Gate Park, but the sun broke out by the time we started the walk at 10:45 am.
It took a while to get out of the starting gate, but once we hit the 1/4 mile mark the crowd started to thin a little. The walk lasted two and a half hours, with Farrah and I stopping at 2 of the 3 rest areas. Two things I learned from the walk: (1) I’m out of shape, and (2) there’s Bison in Golden Gate Park!
By the way, it’s not too late to donate on behalf of Farrah or I. To do so:
//Click here to donate for Farrah.
//Click here to donate for me.
Care to Donate for AIDS Walk San Francisco?
Farrah and I are doing the AIDS Walk in San Francisco next Sunday. Care to donate (sponsor us) on our walk?

Click here to donate for Farrah.
Click here to donate for me.
Now, online donations are a minimum of $25. If you wish to make a donation by check, please make it out to ‘AIDS Walk San Francisco’. Cash donations are welcome as well.
Bjork DJ'd in the City?
Oh to live in the City and have an opportunity to see special events such as Bjork playing DJ. Oh well. [Source]
Big Brother Watching - Time to Leave AT&T
It must be time to stop using AT&T services all together, not just DSL access:
The new policy says that AT&T -- not customers -- owns customers' confidential info and can use it "to protect its legitimate business interests, safeguard others, or respond to legal process."
The policy also indicates that AT&T will track the viewing habits of customers of its new video service -- something that cable and satellite providers are prohibited from doing.
This is scary stuff, isn’t?
Read more at //
End of Month Rant - Three Days Late
I haven’t been busy, but busy enough I suppose. I’m still unemployed at the moment, with optimistic hopes on one of two positions I interviewed for this past month. Right now it’s a bit of a waiting game, so have a good thought for me.
Hail Hail
It hailed here in Sunnyvale today, around 4:30 PM-ish. It lasted a good minute or two.. Here is a photo of the results:

This almost makes me want to head up to Lake Tahoe to see the snow. But I hear chains are required and it takes about two hours just to reach the summit from the base. Now that would be a pretty long drive.
Good Eats and Other Finds
Have you ever visited //
Yelp is the fun and easy way to find, review and talk about what's great - and not so great - in your neighborhood and beyond. You already know that asking friends is the best way to find restaurants, dentists, hairstylists, and anything local. Now, Yelp makes it fast and easy to make and receive real reviews from real people. From San Francisco to New York City, and Madison to Mesquite, Yelp is everywhere!
Yelp doesn’t just review places to eat, but reviews on things to do and places to visit. You have to love a site that offers various views on the //Golden Gate Bridge.)
The site is similar to //Judy’s Book and //Yahoo!’s Local pages, but appears to be more active for the Bay Area than the former site, and not as spartan looking as the latter. You can see //my Yelp page here. I’ve written a few reviews on places I’ve been to in Hawaii and Oregon, providing some photos of food I’ve tasted. I hope to write a little more.
I love being able to share my viewpoint on a place, but I think I lack the appropriate words to convey the joy of going to a particular place to eat. I do use the site as a resource, looking for other places to try. But sites like Yelp - remember how active Friendster once was - might slowly die if people do not continue to contribute reviews. Yelp appears to be very active from the postings on their front page, so I’m optimistic it can survive. So consider joining Yelp, if you want to share some thoughts with others.
Wedding Photo
Farrah and I got our wedding photos! I’m slowly posting them to view, so they will soon be up on //my Flickr and //my Smugmug pages. I’ll send out an email when they are all posted.
Not Asleep Yet
I’m having a difficult time falling asleep tonight. I’ve had a headache for the past two days. The ache is located in only one spot in my head, feeling like a bolt stuck there. Even 800 mg of motrin hasn’t kicked it.
I’ve been working on searching for jobs. I guess some of the job search techniques or abilities online have changed. Look at //this article. It describes some new federal guidelines for online job searches and posts.
New federal guidelines meant to standardize how employers track data on the diversity of their job-applicant pool are taking effect starting today for jobs at federal contractors -- and similar rules will kick in later this year at U.S. companies with more than 50 employees. And resumes and search approaches that worked perfectly well before may no longer do the trick.
Have you seen the website //Linkedin? It’s specialized social networking meant to get all your job connections together. I’ve been a member for a while and recently found out a friend works there. Cool! Anyway, you should check out the site, sign up, and post your resume. After all, a large percentage of jobs are acquired through friends or someone who knows someone. So get Linkedin!!!
I had an interview today for a tech position. I was made aware of the position through a friend. The interview lasted for three hours, talking to four people total. I think it went well, and we’ll see if the position is a fit for both me and the company. I’ll probably write more later about it once things have settled.
Ok, I think I’ll surf a while longer then see if I can get some rest.
Cool Site - Pandora
You might have heard of this site already or not. It’s called //Pandora, created by the Music Genome Project. What the heck? To sum up what the //Music Genome Project does, it is a group of people who break down the DNA of a song or musician. They determine try to “capture the unique and magical musical identity of a song - everything from melody, harmony and rhythm, to instrumentation, orchestration, arrangement, lyrics, and of course the rich world of singing and vocal harmony." Pandora offers a way to listen to the fruits of their labor.
When you visit Pandora, you will be asked to enter in an artist or a song. When the information is inputted, a song that exemplifies the artist’s music style will play. After the initial song, similar suggestions from other artists will play. You can choose to listen to the next song, skip to a following song, and even buy a song you have just listen to. Suggestions are not based on the old “if you like this artist, you might like this next artist because similar people listened to it as well”, but is based on the DNA profile of the artist’s catalog.
You can create a profile and save favorite songs, all it takes is an email address. The service is free, but you can pay as little as $3/month for no advertising. So try it out and see if you like it. This is a streaming music service, so you might need to wade through some songs you may not like. But if you are looking for new music, or just want to have a radio station playing in the background, you may want to give //Pandora a try.
[For more information on Pandora, please see the Podcast //Inside the Net 6: Tim Westerngren of Pandora Media All you need to do is download the Podcast and listen to it on your computer.]
[Also note: I was able to find most artists I searched for on Pandora. Not all will appear though, as they do have a limited catalog that is growing each day. So do not be discouraged if you are looking for someone that isn’t currently there.]
Black Friday is Coming
Just wanted to post a quick to find some deals on Black Friday. What is Black Friday? The first day of holiday shopping (the Friday after Thanksgiving) where retailers are in the black from all the sales they make.
So if you plan on hitting the stores, go see
for the scoop on not only deals but what might actually be in-stock!
Too Many Photo Sites to Choose From
I have been trying to find an online solution to display my photos that isn’t reliant on hosting the software myself. If you go to // you will see the photo gallery that is hosted on my site.
The software is provided by //Gallery and is a great piece of open source work. My problem? For one thing, I am getting a little time crunched on doing any patches that is required from time to time. The second thing is I can’t upload the original image (due to lack of disk space). This requires me to spend time resizing images for the web. It becomes a pain in the butt after a while.
Looking for a Solution
There are many photo sites to choose from. Most offer a way to make prints, such as //Ofoto, //Shutterfly, and //Snapfish. These are very good sites, but they lack the customization I’m seeking.
I took at look at four solutions. Here is how I rank them and their pros and cons - IMHO.
1. //Flickr
The lowdown:
A free account gives you 20MB upload limit per month with no limit on storage space, but only 200 most recent photos will appear. Older photos are not deleted they just don’t appear.
For a paid account it’s $24.95 per year. This gives you 2GB bandwidth a month for uploading and all your photos appear. This works out to be about $2.08 for unlimited storage!
My view:
The best of the bunch. You can’t beat the price for a paid service. The community, if you are seeking comments on photos you have taken or want to make comments on what you see, is very active. It can get brutal at times, but overall it’s nice to see people interacting online. I also like the ability to control permissions on a photo level. The current knock against Flickr is the incredibly awkward way it handles organizing of sets. The drag and drop UI for this needs to change and subsets need to be implemented.
- // Zoto
The lowdown:
New kid on the block getting attention. Free account gives you 2GB of storage with currently no upload limit. Paid accounts are a little pricey at $44.95 per year, so about $4 a month. At this price it only gives you currently 5GB of storage.
My view:
The big positive for this service is the ability to create photo galleries easily. Organization of photos is done by keyword (tags) as Flickr, with the mass tagging of photos a little easier than Flickr. The big knock against this service, besides the price for a paid account, is site outages in the last several weeks. Not sure about leaving my photos there for the long run.
The lowdown:
Community photo site with easy to use tools for organization. Photos can be organized by albums and subalbums as well as by date. For a paid account at $50 per year you receive unlimited storage, FTP access to upload photos, and customization to suit your needs.
My view:
FTP was a very nice feature to have. I found the password protection scheme awkward though.
- //Smugmug
My view:
No free accounts here, but free to try for 7 days. All paid accounts (starting at $29.95 to $99.95 a year) offer unlimited space for photos. You can even order prints of photos from your gallery, as well as allowing friends and family do the same.
My view:
Easy to use interface for anyone. The albums I created were very attractive. The big point I didn’t not like was that photo albums that I had password protected or private was searchable through Google for some reason. I’ve read on Smugmug’s message boards that this is a known issue and they are working to remedy this problem. If they solved this issue, this would rank as my #2 out of the four services I’ve looked at.
So for now it seems //Flickr, in my opinion, is the place to be.
Disaster Relief
If you haven’t already, please consider donating to the relief effort for those affected by Hurricane Katrina. You can find a list of online places to donate on the [Network for Good] web site. Every little bit helps.
43 Things
Ah another me site. I heard about [43 Things] some time ago, but never really took a deep look at it. It is a web site where you can list your hopes and dreams in life for all to see. When you accomplish your listed item, you then check it off the list. You can then add more.
The site goes hand-and-hand with [43 Places] where you can list the places you want to travel to or where you have traveled before. On both of these sites you can see who you share the same dreams and aspirations with and share comments and some photos as well.
Check out my still growing list at [], which of course you can also access later through the [Me Sites] link to the right.