Eating Cake
You can have diabetes and have a piece of cake. You cannot have diabetes and eat a whole cake.
Paula Deen can sure give out great advice. (via 7 disturbing things Paula Deen has said)
Testing the Tubes
“The aim is to create a better understanding of how to respond in the event of them being deliberately or accidentally released”
Encourage or Discourage
But rather than tell people they can’t shoot their food — the food they are so proud to eat that they need to share it immediately with everyone they know — he simply takes them back into his kitchen to shoot as the plates come out. “We’ll say, ‘That shot will look so much better on the marble table in our kitchen,’ ” Mr. Bouley said. “It’s like, here’s the sauce, here’s the plate. Snap it. We make it like an adventure for them instead of telling them no.
I guess at some restaurants they’ll help you take better photos, while at others they’ll stop you from taking photos. I’ve never really thought twice about taking photos of the food I eat. But then again, I don’t go anywhere too fancy.
Why I Bought Boys' Underwear For My Daughter
Yes, it’s sexist, but it’s also just weird and sad. Why can a boy walk around with Yoda on his underwear, but a young female "Star Wars" fan can’t? It’s gender marketing at its very worst.
Mia has a Darth Vader “Star Wars” shirt. If she wanted “Star Wars” underwear, I wouldn’t hesitate in buying them, even if they were boys underwear.
Hallelujah Leonard Cohen
"I wanted to push the Hallelujah deep into the secular world, into the ordinary world," he once said. "The Hallelujah, the David's Hallelujah, was still a religious song. So I wanted to indicate that Hallelujah can come out of things that have nothing to do with religion."
Breaking down Leonard Cohen’s classic Hallelujah. I loved this song, even though it has been so played out in the last several years. If you like this song, you should seek out more Leonard Cohen songs.
Kelly Lynch and the Murray Brothers
By the way, speaking of Bill Murray, every time Road House is on and he or one of his idiot brothers are watching TV—and they’re always watching TV—one of them calls my husband and says [In a reasonable approximation of Carl Spackler], “Kelly’s having sex with Patrick Swayze right now. They’re doing it. He’s throwing her against the rocks.” [Away from the receiver.] What? Oh, my God. Mitch was just walking out the door to the set, and he said that Bill once called him from Russia.
I found this bit funny from a Kelly Lynch interview talking about Road House. She also talks about several other movies in this interview. Interesting interview.
Disney Set to Aquire Lucasfilm
Star Wars Episode 7 is targeted for release in 2015, with more feature films expected to continue the Star Wars saga and grow the franchise well into the future.
This is unexpected but nice to see. I’ve always thought that an adult-flavored Star Wars universe would make a great series on HBO. Perhaps something like that can now happen.
Verizon is Watching
"We're able to view just everything that they do," Bill Diggins, U.S. chief for the Verizon Wireless marketing initiative, told an industry conference earlier this year. "And that's really where data is going today. Data is the new oil."
I use Verizon for my 3rd Gen iPad. The LTE is great. I thought about switching to them for our wireless phone service, but this article makes me pause on that idea. They say you can opt out, but I don’t know if that’s good enough.
Andy Williams, 'Moon River' singer, dies at 84
Andy Williams, whose soothing baritone and relaxed performing style made him one of America's top pop vocalists and a popular TV variety-show host in the 1960s when he recorded hits such as "Moon River" and "Days of Wine and Roses," has died. He was 84.
My mom is a big Andy Williams fan. She plays a Christmas DVD of his every year for what seems like a month straight. I’m sure in the recesses of my brain I know a few words to a few of his songs.
Why the Fugees Broke Up
I always wanted to know why they broke up. I figure it was relationships within the group that broke down. They did end on a high note, I suppose.
Meet Apple's Favorite Blogger
The bottom line: John Gruber makes an estimated $500,000 a year from his blog Daring Fireball. But his relationship with Apple is priceless.
I enjoy John Gruber’s writing, about Apple, design, technology in general, and baseball. I’ve given up on his podcasting though.
Apple - iPhone 4S - Tips and Tricks
With these simple tips and tricks, you’ll learn all the things your intelligent assistant, your remarkable camera, and your amazing iPhone 4S can do.
I know most of these tricks, but do you?
AMC Bought by Chinese Conglomerate
The Wanda Group, a Chinese conglomerate with extensive interests in the entertainment business, has agreed to acquire AMC Entertainment, North America’s second-largest movie theater owner, in a deal that is valued at $2.6 billion, including roughly $2 billion in assumed debt, the companies said Sunday.
A friend of mine wonders if this means the Chinese will help in curbing piracy in China. Who knows. Pirates will be pirates.