Prometheus - Trailer
Check out the trailer for the new Ridley Scott film. There’s a question of how or if this movie fits in with the Alien movies. Nonetheless, the title in the trailer suggests some sort of link, harking back to the Alien trailer. I vividly remember my sister taking me to see Alien at the Old Mill Six Theater. I didn’t know it was going to be a scary movie until that thing popped out of John Hurt’s chest. From then on it was a tense two hours.
How Your Amazon Order Reaches You
A link to a nice relevant infographic for the holiday season. Yup, I did a lot of online holiday shopping, most of it through Amazon.
Snakes on a Plane? Don't Worry About It
I don’t think I’ll ever visit the Philippine rainforest.
Mostly, the Agta fend off the serpents with machetes or shotguns. Only six people have actually been killed in the span of 39 years, including a man who was found inside a snake, and two children who were eaten by the same python on one fateful night. Without their iron weapons, the Agta would surely have lost more individuals to python coils.
Robbers Want Only iPhones
It should say no Droids as well: “The first victim complied, but the second only had a Droid, according to police. The thieves apparently didn’t want a Droid – so they took cash instead.” Man, thieves are getting picky.
The Facebook Resisters
NY Times article on the people who are not on Facebook or have quit Facebook. I am (again) considering decreasing or completely stopping direct Facebook interaction. This seems like a New Year’s Resolution type of thing if you are into that sort of thing.
Ethan Hawke
All of three of us have been having similar feelings that we're ready to revisit those characters. There's nine years between the first two movies and, if we made the film next summer, it would be nine years again so we really started thinking that would be a good thing to do. We're going to try to write it this year.
Ethan Hawke talking about the possibility of a third film to round out Before Sunrise and Before Sunset.
How to Perfectly Cook an Egg
I have been eating more eggs lately. It is most likely due to Mia liking eggs so much. This has led me to search for different ways to cook eggs. In this link, a few chefs share ways they like to have their eggs cooked. Or do you have a better method?
Boardwalk Empire - The Subway Edition

I’m not a big fan of the HBO series Boardwalk Empire. I tried watching a few episodes when it debuted earlier this year. But I just couldn’t get into it. But I can get into this advertising campaign. I heard about it a few days ago, and now Laughing Squid has a few photos. I’d love to see this in person. Too bad it won’t be around for long. But if you are in NYC, you should stop by and see - but only on the weekends.
More photos can be found on Laughing Squid’s blog post.
My Next iPhone Case
I really need to update my iPhone. It’s on its last legs. The volume button is broken off. The power button doesn’t work. And it started to split in two at the seams! Hopefully, there will be a new iPhone soon.
I’ve been scouting for iPhone cases and came across this. It would be interesting to carry around, wouldn’t it? - A Site to See
The lottery of birth is responsible for much of who we are. If you were not born in the country you were, what would your life be like? Would you be the same person? compares the living conditions in your country to another of your choice. It’s interesting to see how different - and not necessarily better - your living conditions are to others, as a country. Everyone’s got problems.
List of Links for Today
- If you didn’t hear, Verizon is going to get the iPhone. Can you hear me now? Well, that would be a reason to switch from AT&T.
- Looks like Verizon is also getting a specific iPad as well.
I know some museums don’t allow photography, but seriously, suing Thomas Hawk for $2M is a bit much.- Sam Mendes is directing the next James Bond flick.
- Movie critics can be mean.
- Foot stickers seem like a good idea.
List of Links for Today (LOLT)
A few links to read:
- Star Wars will be available on blu ray this year! I'm placing my pre-order on this one even though I don't particularly like the newer movies.
- More Star Wars - cool posters.
- You can't walk straight blindfolded. There's science behind this, of course.
- I bet you aren't as into Twilight as this lady who has it tattooed on her back.
- Bjork does karaoke, BUT for a cause.
- If you have a Mac, you may want to see if there is a software update available. Last week, Apple launched the Mac App Store. I haven't bought anything from it yet, but it does look interesting.
Verizon iPhone? Not for Us - Yet

There’s been speculation that Verizon will announce the availability of the iPhone on their network this coming Tuesday. It’s great news since Verizon (supposedly) has a better network. I’ve had plenty of dropped calls on my iPhone, and plenty of bad connections to the 3G network. I’d love to go to Verizon, but I don’t think I will right away.
- iPhone 5: Verizon will likely be offering the iPhone 4. While I'm lusting after a new iPhone - I'm using a slightly crippled iPhone 3GS - the iPhone 5 should be coming out in June or July. I can wait a few more months and decide then.
- The Network: I'm not sure I can give up the ability to talk on the phone and surf the web at the same time, something you can do on a 3G network but not the CDMA network which Verzion has. Is CDMA better than EDGE, which was the network the first iPhone used? If it's the same limitations, then I'm not sure I'd want to be on it.
- Convincing Others: If I move carriers, so does the rest of the family. I think everyone would be cool getting new phones. But I don't look forward to telling our parents, "Yeah, you need to get a new phone. Why? Well, because, that's why."
- Costing More: I hear that Verizon phone plans are slightly more expensive on average than AT&T's plans. I'm not sure this is true. But I'm not willing to pay more just yet.
Come June or July a decision will need to be made whether to stick with AT&T or not. I’m sure I won’t be the only one weighing whether to go to Verizon, that is of course if Verizon does announce the iPhone this coming Tuesday.
The Setup - A Site to See
An interesting site that is a collection of “nerdy interviews"revolving around hardware and software these nerds choose to use. It’s insightful to get a peak at what tools (mostly Apple Macs) and the software these nerds choose. It makes me wish I was making more money to buy some of these “toys”.