When It - A Site to See
In a previous life, I was a record store manager. (Yes, I can hear Mia now, “What’s a record?") Back then, I would enjoy new release Tuesdays, when new music and movie rentals would show up. It was easy to keep track of what was coming out back then. Ever since I’ve been out of retail, it has been a bit more difficult to determine when “this title” is available for rent or “that artist” is coming out with something new.
It looks as if When It Drops tries to help to provide this information. It’s a simple clean site showing what came out last week, what is coming out this week, and what is being released in the next few weeks. The site covers theater movies, music, DVDs, games, and books. Check it out.
Waistline Or So You Think

If this is what men go through, I can’t imagine what women experience.
**Waistlies of the Day:** Esquire’s Style Blog investigates the discrepancy between what major labels pass off as size 36 dress pants versus their actual size.
I’ve never been slim — I played offensive line in high school — but I’m no cow either. (I’m happily a “Russell Crowe” body type.) So I immediately went across the street, bought a tailor’s measuring tape, and trudged from shop to shop, trying on various brands’ casual dress pants. It took just two hours to tear my self-esteem to smithereens and raise some serious questions about what I later learned is called “vanity sizing.”
See Also: How everything should fit. [via thedailywhat who found it via equire.]
The New Television Season is Almost Here has an easy-to-follow breakdown of the upcoming fall television season. I’m looking forward to the new season. I’m just wondering how much time I’ll actually have to watch anything.
Update: You can find an easy-to-read calendar of premiere dates on TV Guide.
Apple's New iPods and Apple TV
Thinking of getting one of the newly announced shiny Apple toys? You may want to pop over to Ars Technica and get their initial hands-on impression of each new device.
I was briefly toying with the idea of changing my iPhone 3GS to a regular phone and getting the new iPod Touch. But then I would be, once again, carrying two devices to stay as connected as I want to be. Do I really want to do that?
My Instapaper Links for the Week
What’s this? It’s a list of links I’ve read this week, which I hope you’d find interesting as well. I usually get interesting links sent to me by friends, posted on Facebook, or run across them in my casual browsing of the Internet. Often, I don’t have the time or patience to read the link when I see it. What I do then is place the link in the great Instapaper.
Instapaper saves the content of the link or at least the link, so I can read it later. Instapaper has an iPhone and iPad app which allows me to catch up when I have downtime, usually at day’s end. They also have their website to view the articles you saved.
So for you, a reader of this blog, I’m sharing a few links I found interesting this week. I hope to share links weekly if possible.
- When Bad is Good Top 10 vices that are actually good for you. I know Farrah and I would like to take more advantage of #1 - Getting your zzz’s. But sometimes that’s not possible. (via Tage and CNN)
- There’s an Apple event on September 1! If the rumor of a new iPod touch pans out, I might consider carrying that instead of an iPhone. (I said I might).
- “I Thought It Would Be Funny”, so says the British woman who put a cat in a trash can. Did you see that story? I’m surprised she didn’t think she’d get caught, considering the abundance of monitoring in the UK.
- How to Bully-Proof Young Girls. Bottom line: cliques start early. Oh, and in the long run, girls are meaner than boys.
- The rise and fall of American Apparel. All I’ve ever known of American Apparel is their risque ads (NSFW). But then again I’m not über hip. Dov Charney, the mastermind behind American Apparel, is an interesting sleazeball, at least from reading this article.
- Batman, Inc. “It’s really weird. Batman can take anything. You can do comedy Batman, you can do gay Batman…it all works. It is something intrinsic to the character. It’s so strange and amazing.” – Grant Morrison.
The Candwich
I do NOT want to try this.
The Candwich comes in three flavors: peanut butter and strawberry jam, peanut butter and grape jam, and, the most terrifying of all, BBQ Chicken.
Verizon to Put Live TV on the iPad
Interesting idea. I’ve actually watched a whole movie and a few tv shows on the iPad. To me, it was just a step up from watching on a laptop.
You are in Manhattan. Seriously, there must be a better place to get a bagel than Starbucks!
There's Something Wrong About This

Martin Loofah King - There’s something wrong about this. (via deleteyourself)
Look at the photos. This neighborhood is not hallowed. The people who live and work here are not obsessed with 9/11. The blocks around Ground Zero are like every other hard-working neighborhood in New York, where Muslims are just another thread of the city fabric.
I’m not sure how everyone who reads this blog feels about this subject. I’m adding this link I stumbled across as “food for thought”. Make up your own mind about how you feel about this subject. (via Daring Fireball)
The 2010 Zagat Fast-Food Survey
Zagat’s says Five Guys has the best burger. Anyone try it out yet? The only one I know of is in San Jose. The Best Burger - according Zagat- in order is:
- Five Guys
- In-N-Out
- Wendy’s
- Burger King
- McDonald’s
Prison Break
Five inmates escaped a police precinct in Agora, Lapasan in Cagayan de Oro City…. A police officer was busy playing the video game “Plants vs. Zombies” and left the keys. The inmates had no trouble stealing them.
In a move that must have been unsettling for thousands of Iowa’s seniors, the state changed the name of its Department of Elder Affairs to the Department on Aging, or DOA, in 2009. Something’s telling us that the change hasn’t helped Iowa’s elderly sleep any easier. The organization now goes by IDA, for Iowa Department on Aging