Web Photo Geotags Can Reveal More Than You Wish
I’ve been interested in geotagging photos, only on occasions, such as vacations and parties that happen in public places. But I would never consider geotag a photo showing the location of anyone’s home, let alone my own.
Did Powdered Milk From China Cause Baby Girls to Grow Breasts?
Scary and interesting story. It’s also interesting how Time Online manages to squeeze in a related link on their website at the end of the second paragraph, “(See pictures of baby dictators.)”.
Back to the Future - Timeline

“It’s an information graphic of the events during the course of the Back To The Future trilogy.”
Guerrilla Dancing in NYC
Nice collection of dancers in New York. The dancer in the rain is my favorite, especially considering the back story that it took 96 takes to get this one photo. More here.
New iPhone 4 - the verdict is in - From Australia
No apparent problem with the iPhone antenna outside the US. Is it time to start blaming AT&T yet? (via Daring Fireball)
All My Friends are Dead
I can’t say I’ve seen this book before. Looks like a good read. You can order it from Amazon.

(via prettyheartattacks):
…all my friends are dead.
Searching for Answers? Ask Facebook Questions
I’ve used the other “ask question” services only sparingly, such as and tumblr. Facebook’s implementation may work better since everyone seems to be on Facebook.
The Avengers Assembled

I’m seriously hoping “The Avengers” movie doesn’t suck. But it has great potential to do so.
(via agentmlovestacos):
The Avengers! From the @Marvel Studios panel at Comic-Con (L-R): Robert Downey Jr., Clark Gregg, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, director Joss Whedon and Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige.Iron Man, Agent Coulson, Black Widow, Thor, Captain America, Nick Fury, Hawkeye and Hulk. Boom. We win. Another photo and more details on
The Beatles Hairography

Would you call this a hairography of the Beatles? (via thedailywhat):
Infographic of the Day: “A History Of The Beatles As Told By Their Hair” by deviantARTist mozzarellapoppy. RIP John & George. [deviantart.]
Tron Legacy - Oliva Wilde
Oh, Olivia!
I plan on watching Tron Legacy. But enough of this 3D stuff already. (via suicideblonde):
Olivia Wilde in Tron
Star Wars Cereal

I don’t think I’d want to eat those “grape-hutts”. (via thedailywhat):
Star Wars Swag of the Day: These Star Wars-themed mini cereal boxes by Gus Lopez and co. will be handed out as party favors to fans attending the Star Wars Celebration V Collecting Panels. [superpunch.]