mia izobel
Breakfast the Other Day
The girls and I went to breakfast at the local diner the other day. They find eating at a diner so comforting. 📷
Mia and the Harvest Festival
Mia enjoying snacks from the Harvest Festival at daycare.
Instead of celebrating Halloween at daycare, they have a Harvest Festival. Parents are invited to enjoy time with the kids. There are a few activities, such as building necklaces, playing with pumpkins, and painting. Mia has a little bee temporary tattoo on her right hand. And the necklace she is wearing is one she put together herself!!! Mom and dad only tied it on her.
This photo was taken on October 26, 2012.
Mia Enjoying a Sunny Day
Mia Enjoying a Sunny Day
This photo was taken back on April 21, 2012. Mia was watching us break down the cardboard boxes that had piled up in the garage. It was a beautiful sunny day, so she decided she wanted to read. As you can see, her choice of reading material involves dinosaurs. My, how she has grown since then.
Mother and Daughter
Trying to recreate a photo from Farrah’s childhood. We’ll need to go back to Hawaii and try again.
Trying to recreate a photo from Farrah’s childhood. We’ll need to go back to Hawaii and try again.
On our last trip to Hawaii, Mia and Farrah tried to recreate a photo from Farrah’s childhood, circa the late 70’s early 80s. Mia wasn’t as cooperative for the photo, unwilling to stand on her own. This just means we need to go back to Hawaii to retake this one day soon.
Mia on a Merry-Go-Round
After a Sunday Mother’s Day Brunch at Coconut Grove, we all headed down to the Boardwalk to watch Mia ride the merry-go-round. She did well for the most part, with Auntie Susana holding her. Towards the end of the ride, she was getting a little antsy, but hung in there.
Also, I posted photos from the brunch and dinner as well.
Mia Izobel - Hummingbird for Life
Hummingbird for Life
Today was Mia’s last day with the Hummingbirds at 2nd Gen, the daycare at Genentech. She was there for fifteen months under the care of all her loving teachers: Barbara, Cathy, Stefani, Joanna, and Fely. Oh, and so many friends both older and younger. She’ll miss 2nd Gen. But it’s time to move on. We won’t forget the Hummingbirds!
Mia Izobel and Malasadas
Mia enjoying a malasada
I am so behind in posting photos that I have taken this year. I hope to rectify this by posting a photo album every three days until I am caught up. I was going to post an album a day, but that seems a little too ambitious.
The above is a photo of Mia Izobel taken by Farrah on her iPhone 4S at the Waikele Shopping Center. Let’s just say she enjoyed the malasada.Â
Pearl Harbor and the Zoo
Today we visited Pearl Harbor to specifically see the USS Arizona. Unfortunately, Mia fell asleep during the short film that is watched before taking the short boat ride out to the memorial. She was also asleep all the time we were at the memorial. It wasn’t until we started to leave that she stirred from her slumber.

Next, we went to the zoo, where these photos are from. Mia loved to see the fish, monkeys, birds, and all the other animals at the zoo. To our surprise, there was so much to see. We’ll need to visit our local zoos to see what they offer.
All in all, it was another beautiful day.

Mia's First Day in Hawaii - A Few Photos
A few photos from our first day in Hawaii. The first day was mainly getting Mia acclimated to the new time zone, and for me to recover from my Dramamine hit. Oh, but plenty of good food was eaten yesterday. What’s on the menu for today? We shall see.

The Jacket

Farrah thought this multi-colored jacket Mia is wearing was lost. But luckily, the great folks at daycare found it - stuck in a backpack. So I put it on Mia as we left daycare yesterday. Oh, we had to stop by the pumpkins that were placed throughout the lawn area. It gave me a chance to try out the camera on the iPhone 4S. Not too bad.
It’s going to be a fun Halloween this year!