I just deactivated my Twitter account. I’ve had it since 2007, but it hasn’t been of any use for several years.
Time to move on.

Large Storage Question
Does anyone have experience with hard drive enclosures like this? SABRENT USB 3.2 5 Bay 3.5" SATA Hard Drive Tray Less Docking Station I’m trying to avoid another NAS setup, but I have only experienced single hard drive enclosures.

My QNAP Died
It’s confirmed, my QNAP NAS died a horrible death last night after an attempted firmware upgrade. Searching on Reddit it seems I wasn’t the only one who had an issue:
Luckily I recently backed up the data from the QNAP so I think I’m in good shape. I don’t think I want to shell out $$$ for another NAS, though. I may go back to simple hard drive enclosures.

Panoramic iPhone Photos
Trying a few panoramic photos with the iPhone XS Max while in Hawaii. Click each photo to get a better view. 📷

Nighttime Photo with iPhone XS Max
This nighttime photo was taken with iPhone XS Max. It turned out OK, didn’t it?

Breakfast the Other Day
The girls and I went to breakfast at the local diner the other day. They find eating at a diner so comforting. 📷
In The City Once Again

The girls are in the City once again. Farrah sent me the above photo from the Palace of Fine Arts. I wish I could be up there with them enjoying the day.
Seeing Santa
The Santa Claus at Stanford Shopping Center has been our staple Santa over the years. The only other time we saw Santa Claus elsewhere was in Hawaii. This year we waited until the weekend before Christmas to visit Santa. It seemed like a lot of other people had the same idea, given the long line we encountered early that Saturday morning.
But the girls were very patient waiting. And when it was their turn to sit on the jolly old fellow’s lap, the girls were well-behaved - for the most part. I think Graecyn is going through a little stranger danger/separation issue right now. But Mia was all in awe of Santa. Mia even spent several moments after the photo session talking to Santa about her gift ideas.

Mia tells Santa her wishes for this year.
Graecyn waits for Mia.
Sharing in the Morning

It’s always tough getting the girls ready in the morning. Sometimes they place nice, like this morning. This gives mom and dad the opportunity to actually get ready for work instead of rushing to work.
Color Me Rad
Confident before the run.
This past weekend, Farrah, Fina, Kristel, Kay, Chantel, and Marisa took part in the 5K Color Me Rad run. It was held at the Santa Clara Fairgrounds in San Jose. This particular run benefited the
Pacific Autism Center for Education (PACE). I was able to take a few photos at the event. It was a bit difficult to avoid the color powder that is used at the event. I saw several DSLR users have plastic bags over their cameras, similar to a rain bag I used on my Nikon D70 when we went to England. If they do this run again, I will need to make sure to bring a plastic bag with me.
Celebrating after the run!
Photos for this event are located under the Color Me Rad folder.
Mia Following Kaleb
Mia follows Kaleb up a hill during Kaiden’s first birthday party.
Mia and Kaleb were blowing bubbles outside during Kaiden’s first birthday party. Kaleb decided to walk from the playground and down the sidewalk trail. Mia followed. There was a little hill past an intersection path that Kaleb decided to walk up. Mia followed. Up the hill, they both went toward a house. Kaleb made it all the way to the top. Mia - about 90% before she slipped, causing her shoe to fall off. I was there right behind her to fix her shoe and encourage her the rest of the way up to the top.
Getting down is a different story.
This photo was taken on March 2, 2013.
Mia and a Sunday Afternoon
Are you looking at me?
We were hanging out in the living room on a Sunday afternoon before baby Graecyn’s arrival when I took this photo. Mia was enjoying a few vanilla wafers and wearing her sunglasses while watching an episode of Dora the Explorer.
This photo was taken on November 4, 2012.