Graecyn Belle
Graecyn Belle was born at 1:50am on November 8. 2012. She weighs 6 lbs 10 oz, and is 19 1/2 inches long, with a thick head of hair like her sister. Mommy, baby, and family are doing great!
Mia and the Harvest Festival
Mia enjoying snacks from the Harvest Festival at daycare.
Instead of celebrating Halloween at daycare, they have a Harvest Festival. Parents are invited to enjoy time with the kids. There are a few activities, such as building necklaces, playing with pumpkins, and painting. Mia has a little bee temporary tattoo on her right hand. And the necklace she is wearing is one she put together herself!!! Mom and dad only tied it on her.
This photo was taken on October 26, 2012.
Mia Enjoying a Sunny Day
Mia Enjoying a Sunny Day
This photo was taken back on April 21, 2012. Mia was watching us break down the cardboard boxes that had piled up in the garage. It was a beautiful sunny day, so she decided she wanted to read. As you can see, her choice of reading material involves dinosaurs. My, how she has grown since then.
Mother and Daughter
Trying to recreate a photo from Farrah’s childhood. We’ll need to go back to Hawaii and try again.
Trying to recreate a photo from Farrah’s childhood. We’ll need to go back to Hawaii and try again.
On our last trip to Hawaii, Mia and Farrah tried to recreate a photo from Farrah’s childhood, circa the late 70’s early 80s. Mia wasn’t as cooperative for the photo, unwilling to stand on her own. This just means we need to go back to Hawaii to retake this one day soon.
Too Many iOS Camera Apps?
A lot of photo apps, right?
Seems like I’ve bought a ton of iPhone camera apps. But there is so much more. The latest one I have been using is called Pris. I must admit, though, I more often than not just use the normal camera app.
Mia watching an iPad
It has been a while. Again. Life has just been busy. But I have a few moments right now to put down a few thoughts.
As I write this, it is Friday afternoon. I’m on the train heading home. I am typing on my new iPad. This new little machine is a joy to work on. It is much faster than the original iPad, which is now Mia’s full-time companion. She uses it as her “mini-tv,” but also has a few story apps she enjoys. Her iPad is protected with the iGuy cover which makes it easier to carry around.
I bought the new iPad with 4G - the Verizon version. I find the wicked machine fast on the Verizon network when I’m able to get a signal, which has been done most of the time. There has only been one problematic area when leaving SF on the train. But other than that the machine has been smokin'.
I recently had a birthday. My birthday. Another one. Well, it’s a good thing, right, consider the alternative? I’m not particularly reflective, at least not yet. I’m sure I will have a moment to contemplate the year that has passed. But that moment isn’t right now. Right now I’m wondering what’s for dinner.
I, again, hope to write more soon. I hope to post more photos, soon. I hope to do plenty of things - soon. We’ll see what I can accomplish.
Mia Izobel - Hummingbird for Life
Hummingbird for Life
Today was Mia’s last day with the Hummingbirds at 2nd Gen, the daycare at Genentech. She was there for fifteen months under the care of all her loving teachers: Barbara, Cathy, Stefani, Joanna, and Fely. Oh, and so many friends both older and younger. She’ll miss 2nd Gen. But it’s time to move on. We won’t forget the Hummingbirds!
Mia Izobel and Malasadas
Mia enjoying a malasada
I am so behind in posting photos that I have taken this year. I hope to rectify this by posting a photo album every three days until I am caught up. I was going to post an album a day, but that seems a little too ambitious.
The above is a photo of Mia Izobel taken by Farrah on her iPhone 4S at the Waikele Shopping Center. Let’s just say she enjoyed the malasada.
Vacation Photos with iPhone 4S
We came back from our trip to Hawaii this past Thursday. I wanted to post a few photos I took during vacation. What’s interesting about these photos is that they were all taken with the iPhone 4S. Yup, I left my Canon 7D at home. We did, however, bring the Canon S90 with us, and I had a Sony NEX-5N at my disposal. Those photos should be up on the photos page sometime this week.
What I found interesting was that we (Farrah with her iPhone and I with mine) were able to capture moments effectively with our iPhones. There were a few missed opportunities, but none I regret in not having my Canon 7D with me. I’m sure if there were more nighttime or low-lit moments to capture, I would have failed with my iPhone. But most of our activities were in the daytime, making the iPhone a perfect vacation camera.
I also tried out the new version of the Path app. The app has been recently updated for the iPhone and Android. The updated version of Path makes it more intuitive than its previous incarnation, but there is still one thing lacking: people I know using Path.
I have a few co-workers using the app, but I would really like other family and friends to use it as well. Honestly, I don’t think many will do so, only having time for Facebook and, perhaps, Instagram. It’s understandable. I found myself posting more to Path (as a test) and Instagram than Facebook directly.
I’m thinking my time on Facebook will become more limited to pushing data from other sites/apps than direct interaction with Facebook (e.g. logging in and actively posting, commenting, etc.) There are only so many hours in the day. I’m finding that Facebook is taking a significant chunk of that free time I rarely have.

Pearl Harbor and the Zoo
Today we visited Pearl Harbor to specifically see the USS Arizona. Unfortunately, Mia fell asleep during the short film that is watched before taking the short boat ride out to the memorial. She was also asleep all the time we were at the memorial. It wasn’t until we started to leave that she stirred from her slumber.

Next, we went to the zoo, where these photos are from. Mia loved to see the fish, monkeys, birds, and all the other animals at the zoo. To our surprise, there was so much to see. We’ll need to visit our local zoos to see what they offer.
All in all, it was another beautiful day.

Mia's First Day in Hawaii - A Few Photos
A few photos from our first day in Hawaii. The first day was mainly getting Mia acclimated to the new time zone, and for me to recover from my Dramamine hit. Oh, but plenty of good food was eaten yesterday. What’s on the menu for today? We shall see.

Photos Taken Today
[gallery type=“slideshow” link=“none” size=“full” ids=“197057177,197057178,197057179,197057180”] These are a few photos I took with my iPhone 4S. They came out ok.