Graecyn Mumbling
Graecyn is watching sitting back and watching Justin Timberlake’s fifth appearance on Saturday Night Live. I think she’s commenting on his performance.
West Wing Reunion of Sorts
Brought to you by Bridget Mary McCormack, who is running for the Michigan Supreme Court. It seems Bridget is the big sister of Mary McCormack who played Kate Harper on the West Wing.
No Reservations: The Final Tour
I guess there are only so many places you can visit and talk about food.
Doctor Who Series 7 Trailer
Oh, I can’t wait. But I sure don’t look forward to seeing Amy and Rory leave.
Django Unchained Teaser Trailer
Ah, Quentin Tarantino’s movie for Christmastime. Nice. I’m not a big Jamie Foxx fan though, but I’ll probably watch this film. (via DM)
Garden of Your Mind
I don’t think I ever imagined Mister Rogers being remixed, but it has been done. I was not a big Mister Rogers watcher when I was a kid. But this remix makes me think I missed something.
The Top Five Films I’m Interested in Watching This Summer
I think I’ll be able to actually watch a few films this summer. If all works out, I hope to watch the following movies. Half are comic book-based movies, which appears to be this season’s trend. Anyway, here’s my list in order of anticipation:
The Dark Knight Rises
If you know anything about me, I do love some Batman! This is the last of Chris Nolan’s take on the Dark Knight detective. My expectations are high considering the last film.
I was excited about this movie when I saw the first teaser trailers. That excitement has lessened since seeing subsequent trailers. This is because trailers give away too much information.
The Avengers
Before seeing this movie, I thought it had the potential of a big letdown. To me the thought of too many characters and not enough screen time to develop each spelled doom. Boy, was I wrong? Nonetheless, I still looked forward to watching it. I may even watch it again before it leaves the theaters.
Snow White and the Huntsman
Charlize Theron as the evil witch. Well, worth the price of admission, right?
The Amazing Spiderman
I’m wondering about this reboot. It wasn’t long ago that Toby Maguire Spiderman came out, so why reboot? But the story looks new and different enough to be interesting. We’ll see.
Stick the Landing
Three Point Landing Want to look cool? Stick a three-point landing just like your favorite action movie.
Mia on a Merry-Go-Round
After a Sunday Mother’s Day Brunch at Coconut Grove, we all headed down to the Boardwalk to watch Mia ride the merry-go-round. She did well for the most part, with Auntie Susana holding her. Towards the end of the ride, she was getting a little antsy, but hung in there.
Also, I posted photos from the brunch and dinner as well.
Game of Thrones - Season 2 Trailer
I’m excited about the new season. But I seriously need to watch the last few episodes from last season. I’m a bit behind, but I do know what happened.
10 Misconceptions
A new video by C.G.P. Grey about 10 common misconceptions. Good to know, except for the last one. I could have gone through life without knowing this “fact”.