Everything is a Remix Part 2 - Video
Part 2 in the series. This one covers remixes in films, specifically Star Wars and Kill Bill. Watch this video past the credits for the portion on Kill Bill.
The first video, which covers music, was very interesting. You can visit the website to make a donation for the continuation of this project.
The United Kingdom Explained - Video
I’ve often wondered what the difference was between Great Britain and the UK. And if you have ten minutes to spare, this informative video can enlighten you on the differences. Good to know there’s a video explaining it.
A Follow Up to Mia and Her Gloves (Video)
This is a short video of Mia in her outfit. You can see how she rubs her gloves - or hands - together.
Winnie the Pooh - One Kid's Interpretation
I never read Winne the Pooh. From this little girl’s synopsis of the book, it sounds like an adventure worth reading.
3 Minutes
A very short film by Ross Ching, starring a Harry Shum Jr. from Glee and Stephen “tWitch” Boss from So You Think You Can Dance. Hey, it’s got guns and lightsabers. What’s not to like?
Mia at Six Months
Time flies. Time flies very fast. January 1st not only marked the first day of the new year, but it also marked the sixth month Mia has been in our lives. Some of the moments seem like a blur now. Most likely this is due to the lack of sleep. And the lack of sleep still happens on some nights. But other moments are crystal clear, like her first smile, as if they happened yesterday.
As you can see from the short video above Mia is now trying to eat rice cereal, her first steps into the realm of solid foods. She started showing an interest in food three weeks ago. I’m sure we could have tried this earlier, but hey, everything worked out. Next thing you know she’ll be asking for a rib-eye steak. Oh, I can’t wait until she starts throwing food all over the place (note the sarcasm please).
We also notice Mia is more reactive, more interactive, and overall more aware of what is happening around her. She now laughs, well it’s more of a giggle. But it seems only mommy can make her consistently giggle. She’s still as friendly as ever, going to anyone and everyone without much fuss. She has her days where she doesn’t want to leave mommy or daddy’s arms, but those are few and far between. I’m sure this will change some day.
And Mia loves the outdoors, getting out of the house at the least. The other day she seemed to be in a mood. But once we left the house and ran errands, her mood changed from sour to a happy camper in a matter of moments.
She’s a wonder to watch. I can’t imagine what the next months, and years, will bring.
The video was taken on January 2, 2011, in our dining room.
Thanksgiving 2010
Another video, instead of a photo, today. This video is from this past Thanksgiving. There are so many things to be thankful for this year. This was Mia’s first Thanksgiving. We spent the first part of the day at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. We enjoyed a nice breakfast.
Later in the afternoon, we traveled to the Traber’s house with Nana for Thanksgiving dinner. As always, my sister made a great turkey, and there were plenty of other things to eat as well.
This video was taken on Thursday, November 25, 2010.
Mia and Nana
Instead of a photo today, I’m publishing a small video. Mia loves going outside. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold or raining. We bundled her up and gave her to Nana, who walked with her around the front of the house. She even introduced Mia to the lawn Santa Claus. We still need to visit mall Santa Claus this year as well.
This video was taken on December 4, 2010.
The Wedding of Lotte and Angche
Yesterday, we were very grateful to share a special moment in our friends' lives as we attended their wedding. The ceremonies and reception took place at The Janet Pomeroy Center. Yes, there were two ceremonies, or rather one ceremony separated into two parts. The first part was a Buddhist Nepalese ceremony. The second portion, briefly captured in the video clip, was a Christian Filipino ceremony. They were wonderful ceremonies. And the reception - the food, drink, singing, and dancing - made for a memorable time.
Congratulations to Lotte and Angche!!!
Mia and Wink

One of Mia’s favorite toys is the Winkel, or Wink as we call it. She just seems to like gnawing on the little sucker. She also can wave it around now and almost throw it - of course not on purpose. I was able to take a series of photos through the crib slats using the Canon 17-55mm lens.
The photo was taken on November 6, 2010.
It’s a video bonus! Enjoy.
Note: I am trying out Vimeo for videos. If you can comment, either on Facebook or here, on how the video loads for you, it would be helpful. I can then decide whether to stick with Vimeo or go with YouTube. A YouTube version of the same video is below.
Vimeo version
YouTube version.
Tatooine - by Jeremy Messersmith
Catchy tune, and the paper animation is great. Found via Daring Fireball
Damn Commericals
(Video no longer available)
The Ford Edge 2011 commercial has placed Shayna Zaid & The Catch’s song “Morning Sun” deep in my noggin. I sing a bit of it to Mia, at least the hand-clapping opening part of the song.
Brandon Flowers - Crossfire
Charlize Theron doing music videos now? I guess the movie business is slow. I take it the song didn’t do well since this video has been out since July, and this is the first I’ve seen the video or heard this song.
...and now Zombies
Video no longer available
Vampires on television are successful (e.g. Vampire Diaries, True Blood). So why not try Zombies? Zombies are getting their shot on AMC’s The Walking Dead. The trailer looks good. It reminds me a bit of 28 Days Later. AMC now has some interesting shows. I just wish they were offered in HD. But I’ll watch this show to see if it should be added to the DVR lineup.