Shopping List For Tomorrow
(as dictated by tessie)
- *regular baking potatoes (5 lbs)
- *gravy (e.g. turkey - can or jar)
- *beef gravy (no mad cow in it)
- *stuffy (e.g. stuffing)
- *corn, green giant (either frozen canned; nibblits)
- *green bean, green giants (can; kitchen cut - no french cut)
- *two cans cream of chicken, campbells
- *dried french onion
- *block of velveta cheese
- *roll, e.g. dinner rolls - heat and serve or pilsbury (freezer)
- *cranberries - canned
- *apple and pumpkin
- *vanilla ice cream
- *chocolate whip cream
Another Hawaii Album Posted
The last of the Hawaii trip photos are posted. The photos are located under Trips | Hawaii 2004 Part II for both the [photos] and [project] pages. Again, there is no difference in the amount of photos displayed on either page. The photos are just displayed in two different methods.
For this album (Hawaii 2004 Part II) most of the photos were taken with a digital camera. I have yet to upload the raw photos to a linked [Shutterfly] page, but will do so when I get the chance. You can then order pictures and/or see what wasn’t posted on the web site. Any questions? Let me know.
Tiana's First Birthday Party
New albums posted are:
- Tiana's Birthday 2004 - Tiana's first birthday party celebrated at Ko'olau. Currently only the photos taken with the Nikon cameras are posted. Digital images to follow - when I get a chance.
- Grandma's Birthday 2004 - Grandma's 86th birthday celebration at Auntie's home. Again, only the film images are posted right now.
From the description provided within the album, you can click on a link that will take you to a like album on [Shutterfly], an online photo service. You can access the raw photo album for the specific album you accessed. What is the raw photo album? It is all the pictures I took in the album on Janella.com, plus photos that I did not post. Also some of the photos on Janella.com have been edited (e.g. cropped, resized, etc.) so as to make them more presentable. The photos located on [Shutterly] are the full photo size, sometimes taking up to 3 MB of space. This can take some time to load if presented on a web site, but might be ideal if you want to order photos. If you have any question on this let me know.
Spiders, blah!
Farrah and I found this huge spider on our wall after coming home from Toys R Us:

We tried to corral the spider but, unfortunately, ended up killing it. We are still trying to determine what kind of spider it is. Anyone know?
Back From Hawaii
Yeah, we’re back from Hawaii!!! I’m working on getting the pictures posted. Right now I’m a little tired but managed to get the pictures from Grandma’s 86th birthday posted. It’s available through [http://photos.janella.com/] as well as [http://project.janella.com/]
What is the latter site you ask? Just trying to determine if I want to use the [Gallery] engine to post photos or not. I’m still thinking about it, so not all albums are available on the project subdomain. If you don’t have a username/password to the site, just write to me at my email address.
Can You Hear Me Now?
We’re getting ready for our trip to Hawaii (yes again). One of the things we wanted to do before going was to get a new phone plan. Our current plan is geared toward local use. If we travel outside of the state we are charge for making calls. I know I didn’t want to stay with our current carrier, AT & T, so we should look elsewhere for a national plan. Since Farrah’s phone contract was up we decided to try Verizon. Verizon has received good ratings nationally and [locally too].
When we walked into the Verizon store we were able to get a new phone within 45 minutes, with the number transferred over and working!!! The salesperson said the secret was in bringing the billing statement as it had all the information needed to easily “port over” the phone number. Well, we’ll let you know how the phone works during the 15 day trial.
Missing You...
Today would have been my father’s 95th birthday. I know if he lived this long it would have been quite a feat. Nonetheless I do miss him still.
The Fantastic Four?
I saw these images below posted on some messageboard regarding the new [Fantastic Four] movie being made. From the looks of the these images I’m not too impressed. Then again I wasn’t too impressed with the Thing’s costume or Jessica Alba as Sue Storm. I’m thinking their going to have to CGI the Thing or he’ll just look like a ‘guy in a costume’.
More Thoughts on Election Day
I’m watching tv right now, seeing how the Presidential race is going. It’s interesting to see the color coded map on the screen, and how divided the country is on who should be PODUS (President of the United States - something I learned from watching [The West Wing]) I’m not sure how the country comes out of being so divided on a leader, especially with a war going on and the economy the way it is. Only time will tell if the Country is going to be moving in the right direction.
Halloween Day & Night
Today we went up to the City to Lotte’s place to (1) celebrate Matthew’s birthday - which was last week, (2) a house-warming for Lotte, and (3) celebrate Halloween. Now that’s a lot of celebrating! Photos are posted on the website. I had to head back early to hand out candy at the house. Right now I’m typing this weblog entry from the laptop near the front door. The kid flow is somewhat steady. I’d say about 40+ kids at this point. There are still those older kids who don’t dress up and expect candy. Ugh.

Well, it looks like its dying dying down. Of course as I wrote that three kids came up to both greet with a “trick or treat” and a “Merry Christmas”. Nice. Oh well, closing shop at 8pm no matter what. Better go man the door.
My DVD Burner Experience
I get worried about my computer. Actually, the data stored on the computer, such as email and the family digital photos. Computing, as some of you may have experienced, can be frustrating. Errors in Windows seem to happen daily if your system is askew. The Internet is not a safe place as well. Viruses are everywhere, even in images viewed on websites! Also, hard drives can crash - even though only one has crashed on me ever. In an effort to avoid total disaster should my computer go haywire, I decided to back everything up. I was going to back everything up to another internal hard drive - but what if my computer overheated blowing up both hard drives? I needed an external solution. I decided on finally getting a DVD burner.
Why a DVD burner? Well, if I stayed with my trusty old CD burner to back up the information I desired, it would probably take 10-15 discs. If I backed it up to DVD it might only take 2 or 3 disks. This is because CDs hold about 650MB of information. Compare this to 4.3 GB of information a DVD can hold and you see why DVD is the answer for now. Also, the price of DVD media (the blank stuff) is coming down. I think CDs are about .20 to .25 cents per disc while DVDs are about .50 to .80 cents per (at least the stuff I get). Dual-layer DVDs (the ones movies come on) are still a bit pricey, but that doesn’t matter for now.
I did some quick research on [cnet.com], [tom’s hardware guide] and [videohelp.com]. I then chose my burner: the Pioneer DVD A08XL - in black to match my system. I chose this particular burner because (1) it could burn at a high speed, (2) it had a rebate offer, and (3) it was black to match my computer.
Installation of the drive was straightforward. I was able to burn a DVD once I installed the included software. I was also able to burn DVDs using Nero, which I find better than the included software. I like this drive, and burning with DVDs. The only downside I see with this specific drive so far: it seems slower at burning CDs than my old CD burner.
It's The Political Season
Are you registered to vote? Hope so because it’s too late to register for this year’s election - at least in California. For a comedic look (or a comedian’s pov of politics) check out the following:
- [the borowitz report] I heard him on the KGO radio. Pretty funny guy.
- [Jon Stewart's appearance on Crossfire] steaming video on someone's blog. Enjoyable.
Saturday is Birthday Celebration Day
Wow, today was a busy day. I helped celebrate my sister and friend’s birthdays.
First off was Susana’s birthday in Santa Cruz. My mom and I drove up to Riva’s on the wharf to meet Susana, Kayla and Rex for lunch. I had my ususal Fisherman’s Platter (calamari, fish, and chips). There was some slight detour-ing going and leaving the pier as a marching band competition was occurring by the Boardwalk. Luckily Kayla was able to guide us back to her house for cake. We even beat Susana and Rex back to the house! (pics posted on the photos page)

Later on that night I was invited to my friend David’s 40th birthday celebration at El Burro’s. There must have been a lot of people celebrating their 40th birthday there as I almost ended up with the wrong party for dinner! It was the first time i met most of David’s family (mom, dad, and his sisters). It was a large celebration that lasted several hours. Good food, good cake, and good conversation. Oh, and afterward we went to go catch a showing of [Team America] at Century 21. My review on that later.