might have noticed
just a quick note: you might have noticed that all the postings are now listed by ‘janella’. well, i thought it was a weird thing when doing a search on any search engine (e.g. msn, google, yahoo!, etc.) janella.com would come up somewhere after the top 5! i mean, come on this is janella.com!
anyway, it’s part search engine driven and part whatever.
established some accounts
i have established a few accounts for login from memory. if you try to register for the [photos] page and it says your name is already taken (or in there), then please try logging in with your password. if it’s not in there please continue with the registration.
it's wet out there
it’s looking pretty ugly outside right now. the winds are supposed to gust up to 40mph down here. in the santa cruz mountains it’s suppose to get as high as 75mph. whew!
so if you’re driving today be careful. if you are not driving, stay home and enjoy a good dvd. (and yes, i’m still trying to get this page back to normal).
page will look funky
btw: this page will probably look kinda funky until i make more postings. i’m not going to try and bother to recreate any of the previous postings i had. please bear with me as we rebuild.
tigger comes home
my mom heard tigger meowing in a neighbor’s backyard. she rushed over to the next street, knocked on the neighbor’s door and told her our cat was back there. our neighbor wasn’t aware of it and was happy to let my mom back there.
funny thing seeing my mom carry tigger through the front door, seeing how she says he annoys her a lot (all the meowing and need to be petted). but i think she was as happy to see him as i was.
from the looks of tigger, it appears he just wandered off. he might have gotten scared or curious during his travels, which would account for the amount of time he was gone. of course my mom still thinks he was cat-napped by some kids.
to the spca again
farrah and i went to the pound this afternoon. still no sign of tigger. it’s been almost a week (on monday). i’m starting to get really worried. usually he finds a way to wander back. maybe my mom is right that some kids grabbed him.
looking for tigger
went to the local SPCA to see if someone may have found tigger. it was my first time there. i never knew the SPCA had so many animals there. it was both enjoyable and sad to see all those friendly faces, both dog and cat.
i had to fill out a ‘lost/missing’ card for tigger. i then took a tour of three rooms of caged cats to see if tigger was one of them. so many friendly faces. after not finding him there, i had to look in three books:
- a book of found cats that people didn't want to turn in until the owner was found
- a book of newspaper listings in the sj merc
- a bokd of dead cats found on the street
it’s a long process, but i’m sure worth it when we find tigger.
the lion king
the lion king was a great show to see (only dampered by tigger going missing yesterday). the costumes, the singing, and the settings were incredible. try to see it in san francisco if you get a chance.
tigger has gone walkabout
my mom was doing yard work and left the gate open. tigger must have wandered off. funny thing is he usually comes back, but he hasn’t yet tonight. hopefully he will be back soon.
rating: ** out of five
quick shot: decent run at the vampire mythos. werewolves versus vampire war is somewhat effective, though the story gets bogged down on who did what to whom too much. dave commented that the sequel would probably be better than the original (which i kind of agree with). kate beckinsale makes a kick-ass vampire though.
what i liked about the movie: the movie looked very slick, matrix-like. the fight scenes were interesting enough.
what i didn’t like: that this is clearly setup for a second movie - which may never come. (but i could be wrong)
better luck tomorrow

rating: ***1/2 out of five
quick shot: good small movie. somewhat predictable half way through, but overall an enjoyable film.
what i liked about the movie: fresh faces and good acting. the characters were some people i recognized and could relate to on some level.
what i didn’t like: some of the direction in the latter half of the film was hokey. for most of the film i didn’t know where it was going, but in the last third it seemed to be predictable.
building a box part III
well, the box has been built and ran through the burn-in test without error. so now i’m running a sweet p4 3.0gHz machine. i can only see the difference in running some applications, such as image editing, word, and other applications i run at the same time.
the reason i wanted to build a new box was not just to have a new computer but to get ready to scan a ton of images this year. hopefully i’ll be able to scan some old negatives and some older pictures. the extra power will come in handy when processing this information.
another saturday
another saturday at work. not too many things to do in the queue, but getting stuff done. there are some good football games on this weekend. tomorrow the bay area teams go at it, each in their own division. should be a time to sit by the boob tube as the weather isn’t supposed to be too great.
building a box part II
well, i’ve just slapped all the pieces together. i was a little worried about putting in the cpu as it can be delicate. you have to put this huge fan on top called a heatsink. you need to ‘snap-it’ on top of the processor. let’s hope that went in right.
’m not going to turn it on until tomorrow. there is supposed to be this 72-hour burn-in period where you run the processor for all it’s worth during that timeframe. i guess any problems, such as faulty processor or heat and cooling problems, will show up during that timeframe.
wish me luck.