SARS alert

SARS comes to SJO! at least that’s what the news is blurbing this lunch hour. i was hoping it was a april fool’s joke, and i still am hoping. it’s a scary world we live in right now. it probably always has been, it’s just that the news makes bad news more accessible war. disease. famine. is there nothing good going on in this world?

i’m sure there is but it doesn’t necessary make the half hour news coverage. my advice? turn off the television or watch a movie instead. forget about the world-at-large for a while and concentrate on the here and now. the world will continue to turn when you get back to wanting to know all that is happening. of course if you watch a movie watch something far removed from what is happening.

i went to go see ‘tears of the sun’ last monday. seeing that movie was a mistake, not because it was a mediocre movie but the content was pretty rough. war in africa as done by hollywood. they went for the nice gruesome reality.

but for now take a break. i know i have.

web journal redux?

this is really the beginning of my web journal. i know i’ve made entries using blogger before, but i wanted to get a little more personal. it seems the world today, with what is going on out there and in my head, dictate some thoughts be put down. i’m not good at putting thoughts down on paper any longer. i can’t stand the sight of my own handwriting. so i’m going to type this sucker out, baring some of my soul. if you find it interesting then i’d be surprised. this is more for my benefit than any one else.

where to start? well my thoughts are of the future right now. this has most likely been brought on due to my birthday, the 35th to be exact. i have been thinking about where i’ve been, what i’ve done and what i still want to do. it can get depressing thinking of all that, especially if you start thinking about regrets. but i try not to have too many. i tend to think about those possible ‘turning points’ in life, you know those paths not taken. i’m don’t think it qualifies as a regret. it tends to lean toward the unknown, like a bad star trek episode.

album update

here are the latest photo album additions. all are located under the ‘newest additions’ album.

  • Yosemite 2003
  • Rex's Birthday 2003
  • A Day Together in the City
  • AJ Mugging for the Camera

check them out and comment when you get a chance.


i’m sitting here on a thursday night, contemplating life with a cold bottle of sake. otokoyama to be specific. a nice brand (and bottle) provided by doug and saori for christmas. i guess i hope it helps in stirring some thoughts that have been creeping for some time. this year has had its ups and downs already, and it’s only the 23rd day!

one of the things on my mind, at least that i can write about now, is my job situation. yahoo! in its wisdom offered me the position they promised back in october. its nice to see a company can keep a promise. but i guess what is still bugging me about the position is its place in the company. i mean i was doing the same thing about seven years ago. but as i’ve told others with this economy, especially the Valley’s economy, its tough to fnd something. so i should be very happy for what i have now. and i am.

i was supposed to have a meeting with my supervisor today, a one-o-one but it fell through. can’t blame the guy as he is tremendously busy. but i just want to get started on my career path again. i’m going to have to pin him down next week to have the talk.

super bowl sunday

went to lotte, andy and farrah’s place up in the City to watch to super bowl, and move a tv up there too. the place was nice and big, but the game was long and terrible to watch if you were rooting for the raiders.

you figure the raiders would put up a better fight after taking 19 years to get back to the big game. plus all the veterans they had on the team. i haven’t read all the analysis about the game, but i thought it was mentioned that gruden, the bucs coach, anticipated most of the plays called by the raiders. that would make for a long game.

all in all it was a good sunday except for the game.

the cirque is in town

it’s pretty late right now but wanted to jot down a few thoughts from today. we went to go see [VAREKAI] in san jose. the show was great, and it was the trabers' and my mom’s first experience. the show and the experience is difficult to describe, so you may want to read more through the link provided above.

stacks, gym...oh, i'm sore

went to stacks yesterday with dave for a little monday brunch on my day off. stacks is a pretty good breakfast/lunch place in campbell. i guess, according to dave, it’s a well known place in redwood city. i guess i don’t know my bay area dining places that well.

so after working out the belly i had to hit the gym. the computer to log in to my workout routine seemed to be surprised by my presence. went through the routine (treadmill, weights, got the heart rate to 132, etc.) and now i’m sore. i guess that’s a good thing. part of the new year’s resolutions, right?

speaking of new year’s resolutions, here is the list so far:


big list, huh?

rainy days and....

listening to diana krall’s Live in Paris on a nice drizzling day. too bad i’m at work right now, otherwise it would almost be perfect. i’m still working on those new year’s resolutions.


oh man…my mouth feels like its been punched a hundred times. went to the dentist today for only the second time in…well, in quite a long time. they had to prep a crown as well as do some deep gum cleaning on my left-side of my mouth. lucky me, i get to go back in two weeks to get the actual crown, then subject myself to the right-side deep gum cleaning. so remember kids don’t forget to brush and floss everyday!

right now i am so hungry, but the pain in my mouth and jaw (from where i received the lidocaine injection) hurt so much i don’t think i can chew. steak anyone?

foggy morning musings

it was a nice foggy morning when i got up at 6 AM. i was planning to go up to the City and take some pictures. but the fog, along with the crunchy (can’t explain it otherwise) feeling in my throat has changed my mind today. funny how this feeling doesn’t stop me from going to get a delicious venti mocha from starbucks!

right now the fog in sunnyvale has cleared. i’m not sure what the rest of the day has in store for me. i haven’t thought that far ahead. all i hope is that i’m getting over this crunchy feeling.

harry potter

chamber of secrets… just got back from watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. pretty good flick if you ask me, even if it clocks over 2 1/2 hours! i thought it was better than the first, moving along at a swift pace with a lot of tension and mystery. you can tell the kid leads are getting older, as some of the actor’s voices are changing. it was also good to see richard harris on the screen one last time. he was also pretty could in the Count of Monte Cristo. rent that if you get a chance.

the theater was very packed. it was the last and smallest theater at century shoreline in mountain view. a lot of kids still asking their parents to take them to see it. too bad i had to sick next to the only sick kid in the theater. he was sniffling through the whole movie. i think i may have caught his cold. let’s keep our fingers crossed i didn’t. time to make some soup.

how slow can you go?

slowwwwww this has got to be the slowest longest day in recorded history, and it’s not even MY friday! i figured i would have been off of work what seems like 5 hours ago. but no. it’s only 3-ish in the afternoon. oh man. it’s not like i’ve got somewhere to go or anxiously awaiting something. but man, the clocks gotta tick faster.

speaking of ticking clock, i guess i should come up with some new year’s resolutions. i’ve had a couple going through my mind but haven’t had the time to put them down. there are those basic resolutions (e.g. eat better, exercise more, play less video games) but there were others i wanted to write down. i guess i’ll work on that this weekend. the other thing i want to do this weekend is take pictures. the five day out look doesn’t look too bad. now all i have to do is get my lazy booty up on sunday morning to go driving around. if i go to the City i guess i’ll have to go early to beat niner’s traffic. they have a playoff game this weekend.

new albums

well, posted new photos in the new albums section. photos from Christmas, the Christmas Gift Exchange, Farrah’s Birthday and Jordan’s Show Choir are now available for viewing. as always if you feel there is an embarrassing shot of yourself on the site and want me to take it down, write to me through the feedback link on top. i’ll then take appropriate action….or not.

look outside!

quick, look outside: beautiful sunset happening!

the numbers

wow…today is 01/02/03!!!