Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-12
- I’m happy I no longer host the blog on tumblr.com. Imagine, they’ve been down for 12+ hours. What’s up @tumblr? #fumblr #
- I swear, tumblr was working a few minutes ago. Did it just go down again? #
- Pearl Harbor. The anniversary of my father’s death. A friend’s birthday. These are things I think of every December 7th. #
- Mia - December 8, 2010 http://instagr.am/p/f1ni/ #
- \When was the last time I used a stapler? http://instagr.am/p/f4yo/ #
- Things on my desk - ketchup packets http://instagr.am/p/glZo/ #
- Mia at Starbucks http://instagr.am/p/h3gE/ #
- Today’s to do list, item 1: put up outdoor Christmas light. Check! Onto item 2 after lunch. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-05
- Trying out Seesmic 2 Desktop. Not sure if it’s the right program for me. I’ll give it a go for a couple of days. http://bit.ly/9jMisw #
- @michellebranch Always wanted to buy ‘Broken Bracelet’. I’m happy it’s now finally available! in reply to michellebranch #
- If @directv doesn’t start offering BBCAmerica in HD, I’ll be using Airplay from my iPad to watch Dr Who, etc. http://j.mp/f8IWL4 #
- I’m finding it difficult to work from home, especially when my daughter is staring at me wanting to play. Is it time for a break yet? #
- ♫ Listening to Ready Or Not (Cillo Remix) by Fugees on exfm http://ex.fm/s/nst7V #
Mia had her first immunization shots yesterday. Oh, the pain! But she’s a trooper, a tough cookie, like her mom.
She was given three shots and a sweet liquid that was taken orally. Farrah readily volunteered to hold me, though she didn’t really know what to expect. As she tightly held Mia the nurse gave the first shot into Mia’s right leg. When the needle entered Mia’s thigh, and the plunger was pressed down, Mia let out the biggest cry I ever heard from her tiny mouth. The scream was heartfelt and piercing. The nurse then gave Mia a few drops of the sweet liquid in an effort to soothe her. It calmed her for a brief moment until the other two shots were administered to her left leg. She was given the last of the sweet liquid to calm her down a bit. But you could see the tears streaming down the side of her face. It’s heartbreaking not being able to do anything but say, “It’ll be all right. You’re fine now.”
She cried until she could cry no longer. Exhausted, she fell asleep on the drive home.
Mia was quiet for a few hours. But then she awoke screaming, most likely from the pain in her legs. I was on my way home when Farrah told me 0.8 ml of acetaminophen, as dictated by the doctor, helped Mia through the next rough few hours. I don’t think we ever heard her cry so badly.
Goodbye Vox
I’m extremely late in posting this, but it’s time to say goodbye to Vox. I hosted this blog there for a while - from July 2006 to June 2008.
The appeal of Vox, to me, was the community that was created during its inception. I found it easy to connect with people who shared common interests from various places around the world. Vox also allowed a user to post privately or to a specific group of people you designated. Unfortunately in order to comment on any post you had to be a Vox member.
Vox’s other limitations - lack of customization, lack of exporting data, lack of using a personal domain, and displaying of advertising you couldn’t control - made Vox not worth the trouble. People I had connected with started to drop off, going back to their personal websites (e.g. WordPress, Movable Type, etc). Thus ended my time at Vox.

I plan to import the view posts I have from Vox into this blog. They’ll be tagged appropriately, probably something as simple as “Vox”.
It was good while it lasted.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-28
- What generation do you belong to? Here’s mine: http://projects.usatoday.com/news/generations/results/#id=97529,share=true (@usatinteractive) #
- Does anyone have an invite to share for @hellobar, the little toolbar that get’s noticed? #
- Mia Sleeping on Kaleb’s Mickey Mouse Bed http://picplz.com/zSqR #
A Bunch of Quick Movie Reviews
Wow, a post other than photos and Twitter updates! Yeah, I’ve been a bit behind in reviewing movies that I’ve been able to watch the last couple of months. Yes, even with Mia, work, and all the things life has to throw at you, there is still a little time to enjoy a movie. Well, I enjoyed some of them. Others were not so good.
Karate Kid (2010) - Why remake this movie? They should have just called it “Kung Fu Kid” considering that’s what Jaden Smith is learning. Jaden Smith overacts and Jackie Chan doesn’t get enough screen time. A valiant effort to not use the same script, but it falls short. Rating: Rental
Robin Hood - Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett aren’t bad in this movie. It’s just that the story isn’t compelling at the least. Rating: Cable TV
Inception - This is the last film we saw in the theater. I thought it was great, not realizing it was a long film. I would have liked to have seen some of the scenes in IMAX, but overall I was satisfied to watch it on the big screen. If you get this on blu-ray, I hope you have a large screen to watch it on, to get the full effect. Rating: Full Admission
The Losers - Action-packed movie, but no characters to care about. Zoe Saldana was the only thing going for this movie. Rating: Rental
The Blind Side - Likable actors and characters. Good solid story. I can see why Sandra Bullock was nominated for an Oscar (not sure she should have won it though). Rating: Matinee
She’s Out of My League - A predictable movie with a few funny moments. The shaving scene, and the outtakes of it, were a bit disturbing. Rating: Cable TV
Killers - An awful movie. A waste of time. I’m not sure why I bothered renting it. Oh, I know why. I rented Mr. & Mrs. Smith at the same time. I wanted to compare the two films. At least I watched one good film. Avoid Killers all costs. Rating: Cable TV
Date Night - Tina Fey and Steve Carell are hilarious in this film. But I thought it would have been funnier than it turned out to be. Rating: Cable TV
The Book of Eli - Strong performance by Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman. Not sure if Mila Kunis worked in this film for me though. The ending was a surprise, but not enough for me to watch the movie again. Rating: Rental
Shutter Island - Well told story. Solid acting. Looks gorgeous in blu-ray. I wouldn’t mind watching it again, though I don’t think it holds up with repeat viewing. Rating: Matinee
Hot Tub Time Machine - Good funny movie that reminds me of the teen movies of the 80’s. Rating: Matinee
Kick-Ass - I was expecting funny/violent, which it started off as. Then it turned serious/violent. Action sequences were nice, but the overall tone of the film didn’t work for me. Rating: Rental
Zombieland - Another solid funny movie. Even though zombies scare Farrah, she sat through this film and enjoyed it. Worth a repeat viewing. Rating: Full Admission
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-14
- Enjoying the rain & light wind in dwntwn SF. Spending alone time at Sears Fine Foods. Hope to take photos 2day, but not sure it I can. #
- Hoping to play some CoD: Black Ops tonight. Well, that is if the FedEx dude arrives with the goods. #
- @OnTrac_Shipping You need to treat packages better. Don’t just “throw” them on the porch. #
- @OnTracRob Ordered two packages from @Amazon. Neighbor noted delivery person simply threw packages down on the porch. You need tracking #s in reply to OnTracRob #
- @OnTracRob BTW-no damage to @Amazon packages. Just think it’s inconsiderate since contents arn’t knwn. Or must package say Handle with Care? in reply to OnTracRob #
- Enter to win a Nikon D7000 & @PocketWizard BETA Nikon Mini & Flex from Scott Bourne. Pls RT. Info at: http://bit.ly/9zT3Lj #
- Ah, fixing a leaky faucet first thing in the morning. What a way to start the weekend! #
- WTF? Nelly is performing before the fight. Is it ever going to start? #
- Was that the song from the original Karate Kid? #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-07
- I get Lyle Lovett and KD Lang mixed up. #LetsGoGiants #
- On Mia’s 4-month birthday the Giants won the World Series! Congrats to the SF Giants and their fans!!! #LetsGoGiants #
- Who schedules a dental appointment at 7am? Apparently I do. Ugh! #
- Global Beer Production and Consumption [infographic] http://t.co/WYMkRL0 via @AddThis #
- Watching ‘Seven Samurai’ on blu ray. Looks amazing for such an old film. http://amzn.to/aSwuuR #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-31
- It’s going to be a long day. Hopefully I’ll have the energy to watch the Giants win game two tonight. #letsgogiants #
- @MoGoBBQ Where are you at tonight? I’m thinking of dinner and need to rule you “in or out”. :) #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-24
- Reading “Where is Baby’s Belly Button?” to Mia this morning. Such a captivating, yet all too short, story. http://yfrog.com/eh1u9wj #
- Trying @rememberthemilk again as my GTD app. @appigo’s Todo just wasn’t working for me any longer. #
- The new Twitter website makes it easy to unfollow people. I just cleared my Twitter account, starting fresh. 97 down to 12. #
- I never met #mygrandma - either of them. #
- @danbenjamin Oh Dan, the Giants will put up a good showing in the World Series as well. #
- Nothing is going right today. #
- Giants win!!! #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-17
- Ordered and waiting for ‘Medal of Honor Limited Edition’ http://amzn.to/bTe9vd But will I have time to play it?!?!?! #
- There’s no reason to be asleep right now, right? So much can be accomplished at…3:30AM!!! #
- Getting ready to unpack the iMac which was delivered Thursday. Hoping there’s no damage or defects. Hate to deal with returns. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-10
- My daughter has just discovered her feet. She's acting like she's never seen them before. #
- Was thinking of upgrading iPhone since volume toggle broke. But hearing rumors of Verizon iPhone again makes me pause. Wait for next year? #
- Who has a 27" iMac? You love it? Hate it? #
- Reading @gruber more, I agree with what he says. CDMA iPhone doesn't necessarily mean iPhone Verizon bound. Bummer. #
- Finally got offered to view the new twitter.com web layout. I'm liking it a lot. #
- 1/2 the day done, but so much more writing to do. I guess my weekend is going to start later than I thought. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-03
- Mia started, on her own, rolling onto her belly this morning. Ugh, another thing to worry about while she sleeps. #
- @standardtheme Does your theme have a single column option - no sidebar? My photos default photos are large - 640x640 - which is large. #
- Hating @CNN mobile website. Images never load consistently on my iPhone, even on WiFi. You offer a paid app. Is this why? I’m not buying. #
- Struggling with writing. Ugh! #
- @KELLYCHOI So do I! Just finished my breakfast…I mean my dinner. in reply to KELLYCHOI #