My Short Review of Dane Cook at HP Pavilion
Dan Cook at San Jose Event Center
I’m not a big Dane Cook fan. If someone was playing his CD or DVD I would listen or watch. But watching him live in concert is a different story. I had no set expectations in seeing him in concert. Unfortunately, his concert at the HP Pavilion was fair to middling at best. He lacked any real energy or (fake) spontaneity, relying solely on his charm to push him through the night. For me, the opening acts garnered more bellyful laughs.
Timothy Finn does a good review of Dane Cook’s concert earlier this year. It sums up the experience pretty well. Would I pay to see Dane Cook again? Probably. Would I spend as much? Probably not.
(photo via sjsharktank)
My Short Review of Taken

You don’t know what I’m capable of.
Liam Neeson does his best Jason Bourne in this action movie. Neeson is an ex-Preventer who must now use his skills to save his daughter. The movie moves along in a good clip. The violence can get intense at times, but the payoff works.
Rating: Matinee
Data Corruption or Compromise?
Damn! Somehow, someway my main blog was compromised. I’m not sure if it was on the server level or if my password was somehow guessed. I don’t think it’s the latter. I tend to randomly generate my passwords and even I don’t remember them. I’ve reverted was was once the main blog back to Wordpress.com. If Wordpress.com account becomes compromised, well, that would be a surprise.
Once again I find myself with only a few opportunties to truly blog. And so I’ve decided to revert back to a tumblr account. Newer posts I make will be here.
My Short Review of X-Men Origins: Wolverine

It’s Wolverine, bub!
First off, I hated the title of this film. It’s more suited as a comic book title than a film title. I think they could have gotten away with Wolverine. Non-fanboys would have known who Wolverine was, at least I think. I know he’s no Superman or Batman, but the target audience knows who Wolverine is. Well, onto the film itself.
As an origins story, it provided pretty minimal grit to understanding the man who is Wolverine in all the X-Men films. The story starts off with James / Logan as a boy and by the end of the opening credits he’s a man. The opening credits helped the film along similar to Watchmen, covering enough history to get to a fair starting point for the story. Well, what there is of a story.
I found the story weak and confusing at times. There are too many characters and story points to be compressed within the 107 minutes of the film. You can’t grasp any sense of who these characters are and why you should hate or care for them. It’s cool to see Gambit and Deadpool on the big screen, but it’d just as interesting to play them in a video game then watch them in this film again.
The fight scenes were on par with other X-Men films. But oddly the special effects seem to be worse. I would say the original X-Men film had better special effects than some of the scenes in this film. If you can wait for this film to come out on DVD, I’d say do so. It should be out by the end of the year.
Rating: Rental
My Short Review of Star Trek

The crew of the Enterprise 2009
I tried to set my expectations low for this movie, hoping it would be good. Looking back I didn’t need to do this, as the movie succeeds on many levels. This incarnation of Star Trek is accessible to both those familiar with and those new to Star Trek. The story involves time travel - of course, it does, it’s Star Trek and J.J. Abrams - Romulans, Vulcans, and everything else in between. I think the only thing that was missing was a Klingon.
The casting worked brilliantly, even having Winona Ryder as Spock’s mom worked. The special effects helped, not hindered, the story’s progression. There were two things that annoyed me: (1) the amount of lens flares in the movie, and (2) Pavel Chekov’s accent. The latter annoyed me only because of the number of lines Anton Yelchin, who plays Chekov, had to speak. I would have preferred more lines from Simon Pegg, who plays the lovable Scotty.
Rating: Full Admission
Marely & Me - My Short Review

Puppies. Evil puppies.
This is another one of those feel-good movies. But if you know your dog movies, then you know what’ll happen. Yeah, it happens, but not after Marely gets a hold of your heart. Wow, did I just write that? If you’ve seen the trailer, then you’ve pretty much seen the whole movie. Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson are likable, but their characters, and the story, really don’t go anywhere. The movie won’t rot your brain, but it won’t stimulate it either.
Rating: Cable TV
Redbox - A Review

Hello Red. What are you doing here?
You may have seen Redbox in your local grocery store, Wal-Mart, or even your local McDonald’s. It’s a DVD rental machine. You get a DVD for $1 dollar for one day. Not a bad deal considering your other brick-and-mortar options (e.g. Blockbuster). I went to their website to see what movies they had to offer.
The site is easy to use. After creating an account, you can access their DVD catalog. Registering only requires an email address. Search is easily done by movie title, release date, category, or even by the Redbox closest to you. I was disappointed by the number of titles offered. I wanted to watch The Reader, since it is listed as Long Wait in my Netflix queue, but Redbox doesn’t offer this movie.
When you find a movie you want to rent, you can reserve it online with a credit card. The DVD is reserved for about 24 hours. If you don’t pick up the DVD, it will be released for rental and you’ll still be charged. After reserving, go to the machine’s location (listed on the site), and swipe the credit card you used on the website. The DVD will pop out encased in a firm plastic case. It’s that simple.
It appears Redbox may start offering Blu-ray titles, but there doesn’t appear to be a start date for this. If they offer Blu-ray and a broader selection of DVD titles, it could prove to be a successful alternative to my Netflix habit. If they continue to only offer limited titles, they may not make a significant dent in my rental habits.
Slumdog Millionaire

I think there’s something on your face.
I finally watched the Oscar-winning-feel-good-movie-of-the-year on DVD. Yes, the actors are likable. Yes, the story is predictable. Yes, I’ll watch it if it’s on cable television, but I don’t think I’ll buy the DVD or rent it again. If you have two hours to spend on a movie, this isn’t a bad choice. You won’t have to think about the plot points too much, and it’ll make you, well, feel good.
Rating: Cable TV

Oh Rick!
Casablanca is one of my favorite films. I’ve seen it on VHS, laser disc, and DVD. I anxiously wanted to see this on Blu-ray. I wasn’t disappointed with this rental. The film looks crisp and clean, and it sounds amazing. The amount of extras on this small blu-ray disc is astounding. There is deleted scenes, commentary by Roger Ebert, and documentaries galore about the making of the film.
Rating: Full Admission
Filipino Food
I follow people on Twitter for specific reasons. I try not to follow people just to gain followers in kind. This sounds like the subject of a future blog post.
One of the Twitter feeds I’ve been following is @FilipinoFood. The feed is interesting to follow, especially for me, because I don’t eat much Filipino cuisine. My wife partakes in a broad variety of Filipino dishes, most of which I shy away from. I’m not sure why I haven’t acquired a taste for this cuisine. I’m a standards eater: pancit, lumpia, and adobo.
The subject of adobo was on FilipinoFood a while back. A few years ago my mother finally showed me how to make her version. I have, for the most part, been able to recreate it successfully. But as with any recipe, there are variations. One of those variations offered via FilipinoFood was cited here. I’m anxious to try it because it calls for coconut milk, something my mom’s recipe doesn’t use. I am interested in how coconut milk will change its flavor.

Memories of Philippine Kitchens
The blog entry about chicken adobo also made me seek out the book, Memories of Philippine Kitchens. I found the book, written by Amy Besa and Roma Dorotan, at my local library. I want to try a few recipes from this book.
The Third Man

Orson Wells!
I was able to watch a few movies over the last several weeks. A few were classics reworked on Blu-ray. The first film was The Third Man. I’ve watched it a few times before and each time I’m reminded that Orson Wells, who plays Harry Lime, portrays an ultimate scumbag very convincingly.
Rating: Matinee
Windows Viruses
I dealt with two different Windows viruses this week. The solutions were radically different.
- With one, I spent 6+ hours backing up data, reformatting and reinstalling Windows XP Media Edition on a Dell machine. Most of the time spent was with lousy Dell support.
- The second one was simpler: I ordered an iMac for a friend
Both problems solved.
A New Profile Photo?
[Reposted because the ‘Let people answer this’ wasn’t enabled]
I need to create a new profile photo. You can see my current profile photo on Facebook, as the favicon on this website, or on my old Vox account. I don’t want to fall into any of these traps, something I feel my current profile photo doesn’t fall into.
For a new profile photo should I do a simple headshot or does anyone have any other ideas?
Hey, it’s the Watchmen!
The graphic novel finally comes to the big screen. It translates fine and looks great on a big screen. There was a lot of information to digest in the 2-hour 40-minute movie, but some of it not working for me. See it on the big screen if you can - or get it on blu-ray (when it comes out) and see it on a nice HDTV.
Rating: Matinee
Eagle Eye

It started out as a promising thriller but devolved into a forgettable action film. The leads are both likable, but they cannot save this movie from its flawed rehashed storyline.
Rating: Cable TV