July - End of Month Rant
I haven’t written anything of too much substance this month. So let’s see what I can pull out of my butt right here.
First off, I added two new albums to the [Flickr] page. The first is a long over due album from Skylar’s birthday celebration in May. The photos were taken with the Sony T-1, before I got my Nikon:

I’ll need to go down and take some more photos of the kids, as well as Scott and Stefanie. The other album added was during a Yahoo! Music on the Green. The artist who was performing was [Brandi Carlile] She did a fine job. I’m not particularly happy with the photos I took of the event, wishing I was more aggressive, but that is something I need to work on.
This weekend not much happened. Today Farrah and I tried the new [Lori’s Diner] in Cupertino. We had a late lunch. The service was a little slow. Farrah ordered the Chicken Fried Steak (good) and I had the Southern Fried Chicken (good as well). Our waitress did notice that our orders were taking a bit long, as the dreaded ‘large party ahead of you’ was getting all the service. So she gave us dessert for free! We enjoyed a nice hot fudge sundae for a nice summer’s day.
I also managed to finish season one of 24, watching it because Bert and Evan couldn’t stop talking about it!?!?!? Overall, season one was a satisfying season. The characters and storyline does make me want to continue onto the next series, so season two of 24 is in my Netflix queue.
What else? Well, a site update when sour when I tried to upgrade the Gallery application used for the site photos page. I’m still recovering from that because I didn’t have a ‘latest backup’ of the web site. This should teach me to back up every week! So those photos will be inaccessible for a while.
I guess that is it for now. I’m going to head to bed.