She's Having My Baby

Ultrasound of the Little Dude or Little Dudette
Farrah is pregnant!
[Note: Apologies to our shared friends on Facebook. I know you’ve heard this announcement before, from Farrah’s wall posting last week. I just haven’t had time to make a blog post and post it on my Facebook wall as well.]
Not much to add. Well, I guess we could throw in a few details.
How far along are you?
At this point Farrah is at 14 weeks.
When did you find out?
The morning of November 1. Farrah woke me up early that morning, showing me a photo on her iPhone of a home pregnancy test. I had to ask who’s it was. She then smiled and said, “It’s mine!” Later that day we took two other tests just to be sure.
When is your due date?
July 11th.
Do you know the sex of the baby?
Not yet. It’s too early. But we do want to find out when we can.
How are you feeling?
Not too bad. Luckily Farrah hasn’t experienced a lot of morning sickness, though there were times where she did not feel like eating. Her appetite returned last weekend with the beginning of the second trimester.
We hear that the second trimester is the best. I can say, for both of us, that we’re extremely happy, excited, and of course, nervous. I take it all of those are natural responses.
Last Monday, we heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. At first it was difficult to distinguish it from the static coming from the Doppler Baby Heart Monitor’s - I think that’s what it’s called - speaker. After some maneuvering of the microphone by the doctor, a clearly identifiable strong heartbeat was coming through. I have to say hearing the heartbeat was as cool as seeing the first ultrasound of the baby back in November. I honestly could have cried. Yes, I did cry during a couple of the ultrasounds.
We can’t wait until July.