Panasonic Concedes on Plasma
As the owner of a 65-inch plasma television, this is bad news. But newer technology will arise that will displace LCDs as well.
MLB Team Valuations
The San Francisco Giants placed 6th on this Bloomberg chart. Not bad. Of course, the Yankees are 1st.
Sherlock Series 3 Premiere Date
Sherlock will return to PBS Masterpiece on Jan. 19 at 10 p.m. That means the show will air back-to-back for the first time with that other hugely popular and influential Brit import, Downton Abbey (which returns Jan. 5).
Vaccine Deniers
But there’s a big difference between not eating GMOs and not getting a vaccine. If I don’t eat a corn chip at my local taqueria because I have doubts about the lack of research on GMOs and believe it’s because science and the government are in Monsanto’s pocket, I’m not going to put my dining companions at risk of disease. But if I decide not to vaccinate my kid, I make him a potential carrier. He may be able to fight off measles, mumps, rubella, and other illnesses — but what if he spreads a disease to somebody who, for whatever reason, isn’t so lucky?
I stand on the side of getting your child vaccinated. But it is a personal choice. Try to make an informed decision, OK?
The Sistine Chapel Problem
In the 530-plus years since he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, the Renaissance artist’s famous frescoes have been dealt a fair share of abuse. They’re dusty, they’re dirty, and they’re constantly being damaged by humidity, carbon dioxide and other pollutants.Now, the head of the Vatican Museums, Antonio Paolucci, is warning that, if new air conditioning and air purifying systems that are being installed at the facility don’t significantly cut the pollution levels in the chapel, he will have no choice but to limit the number of tourists who visit the site.
Seeing the Sistine Chapel is on my bucket list. I hope I have a chance to see it someday.
Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special
Photos have been posted on BBC’s website from the upcoming special. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Photos of Proposed Apple Campus
Photo exclusive on The last photo of the model gives the campus some scale against Highway 280, which I think is toward the front. All I have to say is wow!
Facebook no longer lets users hide from search
Another setting disabled. Seriously considering deactivating my Facebook account again.
Instagram Video Autoplay Enabled
It seems the setting to disable autoplay of videos, which I enabled immediately when videos started posting on Instagram, is no longer there. This is not cool.
Nest Protect - A Thoughtful Smoke Detector
Add this to the list of things to put in the house. It looks like a smart addition, especially if you use several of them to determine where in the house danger may be.
I Do NOT Want This for Christmas
The Samsung Galaxy Gear watch looks like a stinker. At least the first version of it. I’m sure when - and if - Apple comes out with a wearable device, the Samsung version will suddenly change in concept and execution, making it more like whatever Apple makes.
iPhone 5s Tips and Tricks from Apple
Apple came up with a tips page on how to use the features in iOS 7 and iPhone 5s. Take a good quick scan for some tips!
Wonder Woman Short Film
Interesting short film concept of Wonder Woman. Nicely made, though no dialog, and more action sort of like 300. I don’t know if Wonder Woman will make it onto the big screen in one form or another. Perhaps she should simply have a cameo appearance in a Superman or Batman movie to gauge interest.
AppleCare or Not?
I’m the one in the family who is asked, “Which Apple product should I get?” I am also asked, “Should I get AppleCare?”
David Sparks has a good short article about AppleCare. I agree with him on all points. You might want to give it a quick read.
100 Great Children's Books
Great list from the New York Public Library. I love The Story of Ferdinand, Goodnight Moon, Harold and the Purple Crayon, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We’ll have to load up Mia and Graecyn’s collection with others on the list.