My Short Review of Iron Man 2
We were finally able to watch Iron Man 2 the other night in Cupertino. I know its been out for some time, but we’ve been a little busy these last few weeks. The baby fun is just starting, right?
In short, Iron Man 2 is worthy sequel. The movie introduces a few villains and heroes. Also a character from the first film played by another actor. It contains as much story depth and deep character development as they first movie - I write sarcastically - and plenty of action sequences. My favorite sequence was the scene at the race track.
Rating: Matinee
Baby Shower Weekend

We had our baby shower this weekend in Cuesta Park. Luckily the day was warm and sunny, a welcome break from the unusually raining weather we’ve been having here. We cannot say thank you enough to our family and friends who helped put this party together. They did so much work to put this amazing celebration together.
We are equally thankful to our family and friends who were able to share this day with us. You can find tons of photos from the party here. If you need the password to access, please email either Farrah or I. Or you can send an email to feedback [at] janella dot com.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-24
- Elevator is acting wonky. I wasn’t expecting to hike up 5 flights of stairs with my 15 lbs backpack this morning. I’m out of shape. #
- Just removed Gizmodo from my Google Reader feeds. This whole stolen iPhone drama just seems wrong. #
- It’s crowded here in Starbucks http://loopt.us/PzE3vg.t #
- Lunchtime! in Krung Thai Mountain View http://loopt.us/3uHR5g.t #
- Watching the new Dr. Who. I haven’t watched any episodes with the NEW Doctor. He’s not bad at all. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-18
- I forgot my coffee mug. This fact, plus the rainy weather, make for a bad start to the day. #
- I hate plumbing issues. I was able to fix the clogged kitchen sink this weekend. But a leaky toilet is a different story. #
- Time to call @RotoRooter Hopefully it won’t be too big of a problem to fix. #
- I hate @gruber for introducing me to Strategery via Daring Fireball. I’ve been playing it way too much on my iPad. http://bit.ly/c401vS #
- Getting a tall mocha in Starbucks http://loopt.us/_OYExg.t #
- Dinner-time! in Cheesecake Factory http://loopt.us/a0NBBw.t #
- Rushing to get a bagel from the break room. I don’t necessarily like bagels. I just hate when people touch food they aren’t going to eat. #
- And what I mean is when they are “choosing” a bagel. Choose with your eyes, people, and not you’re hands! #
- Burgers for lunch! in Clarke’s Charcoal Broiler http://loopt.us/92nfLw.t #
- From my iPhone - Corinne Bailey Rae “Like A Star” ♫ http://twt.fm/407716 #tweetthebeat #
- In a daze this morning. I don’t want to get out of bed, but there is so much to get done. Time to do some spring cleaning. #
- Eating at in Olive Garden http://loopt.us/lXhJVA.t #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-10
- Working on draining the battery on the iPad. It was cool that it came fully charged! #
- in Whole Foods Market http://loopt.us/KgAgPg.t #
- The soda machine on my floor and the floor below is not working. I don’t need to drink soda, right? #
- Win a new Canon 1DMKIV or $5000 of photo printing/product from @WHCCPro & Scott Bourne. Pls RT. Info at: http://bit.ly/dlsAhA #
- Yum! in Tsunami Sushi http://loopt.us/2FDyAg.t #
- “Lost” is getting crazy good. #
- in Net App Inc http://loopt.us/w_s6Gw.t #
- From my iPhone - One Eskimo “Astronauts” ♫ http://twt.fm/404153 #tweetthebeat #
- in Red Robin Gourmet Burgers http://loopt.us/FfsOTA.t #
- From my iPhone - Lady GaGa & Beyoncé “Telephone” ♫ http://twt.fm/404694 #tweetthebeat #
- Getting some plumbing fixing thingies in Lowe’s http://loopt.us/erSWNg.t #
- @nathanfillion My wife and I just started watching Castle. Now something for me to watch after DWTS. #
- @wilw Right there with you! in reply to wilw #
- Had to figure out why Flash 10 wasn’t loading on Mom & Dad’s computer. Man, I don’t miss Windows.
Initial Impressions of the iPad
I wanted to write down my thoughts about the iPad, after using it for a few days.
The Good
- It was fully charged when I unpacked it. This made it very easy to start playing with it.
- Feels solid and durable. It is not as heavy as I thought it would be.
- The screen is bright. It works like the iPhone screen, adjusting the brightness depending on the environment.
- Simple to sync with iTunes, just like an iPod or iPhone.
- It’s easy to find iPad apps via the App Store link on the iPad.
- Works like an iPhone/iPod Touch. If you know that system, then this is second nature.
- Sound from the speaker is good for both movies and music. I don’t know how it would do in a noisy room, but it works in a quiet room.
- Battery life has been 10+ hours so far.
The NOT So Bad
- The screen does get fingerprints on it after hours of use. I didn’t notice the fingerprints while looking at the screen directly. But looking at an angle you notice the prints. Easily cleaned with a lint-free cloth.
- Looking for iPad apps on iTunes - via the computer - is painful. This has since been corrected.
- The ABC iPad app kept crashing on me while trying to watch a program. This has been addressed by an app update. Though there is a new screen orientation issue.
The Ugly
- So far it’s good for writing short emails and tweets. But I don’t like doing long blog entries on the touch keyboard. I may need to get a bluetooth keyboard for it
- Some apps have a single download that work for both the iPhone and the iPad (e.g. Evernote) while others require separate apps to download (e.g. NYTimes ), and others can have three different versions (e.g. 1Password)! Confusing, isn’t?
- Re-buying addictive games that you have on your iPhone, such as Plants vs. Zombies, can be costly.
- Buying accessories - a new case, headphones, keyboard - can add to the expense as well.
So that’s my 2 cents for now.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-03
- Having a surprise birthday weekend breakfast with Farrah here @ Sears Fine Foods Restaurant http://loopt.us/cHYwOQ.t #
- Second part of my birthday surprise - King Tut exhibit! But I think Farrah’s cold is running her down. I m… http://loopt.us/9ENtdA.t (PIC) #
- @ Whole Foods Market http://loopt.us/vbch4w.t #
- Yesterday was the first time I felt our baby kick. One of the greatest feelings I’ve experienced. She is due in July! #
- It’s ramen weather. in Ramen House Ryowa http://loopt.us/lVwnyQ.t #
- People are talking about the iPad, even in a Kaiser hospital waiting room. #
- Grabbing a bite to eat while Farrah’s at an appt. Wish I could have a beer though. in Rock Bottom Rstrnt & Brewery http://loopt.us/gnkcCw.t #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-27
- I’ve been up since 4:30am. What the heck am I doing up so early on a Sunday? #
- Evil Girl Scouts are outside selling cookies. @ Best Buy http://loopt.us/VmLzOg.t #
- Getting ingedients for Korean BBQ. @ Hankook Supermarket http://loopt.us/xotrCw.t #
- The iPad better support the Kindle app. I’d be upset if I had to buy an iPad version of a book that I can read on my iPhone Kindle app! #
- I can’t seem to choose a good font for the blog. I guess I’ll go with the default in the theme I’m using. #wordpress #
- I think I’ve had my fill of the word “frickin'” today. #
- Gouged my nose with a fingernail last night while sleeping. I drew blood and skin. Must have had a a bad dream to do that to myself. #
- Haven’t been here in almost five years. @ Thea Mediterranean http://loopt.us/cERYow.t #
- I’ve never had lunch here. @ El Pollo Loco http://loopt.us/2QID-g.t #
- Getting takeout to celebrate my birthday. @ Tao Tao Restaurant http://loopt.us/qsEp5A.t #
Monday started off well. We had an early morning appointment where we were able to hear the baby’s heartbeat again. It is always a great thing to hear. But after lunch, my noise canceling headphones decided to break on me. I’ve had them for over two years, which I guess is a decent amount of time. But now I can hear all the talking in the office. It makes it a bit more difficult to concentrate.
I’ll need to hop onto Amazon to search for new headphones.
What's on TV?
I’ve always watched way too much television. I’m sure this will change soon, but things are staying the same for now. Here are a few shows we are watching, a few we are looking forward to seeing again, and a few we’ve given up on.
Still Enjoying
- Lost - This year there are more answers then questions. This final season is turning out to be their best season. It almost makes me sad to see it go.
- Human Target - New action series. Likable characters, combined with action and light zippy dialog, make this series successful.
- The Amazing Race - Fun to watch the team conflicts taking place in great locales. I just wish they’d shoot it in HD.
- The Real Housewives of New York City - Out of all the “Housewives” series on Bravo, this is the one to watch. Did I just type that?
- Big Bang Theory - The only comedy show I watch consistently. Not gut-busting funny, but funny enough.
- Criminal Minds - Solid CBS crime drama. It’s just a bit on the violent side.
- CSI - Still fun to watch even without William Petersen in the cast.
- The Vampire Diaries - This is a show Farrah watches, so I’ll deny it if asked, but I actually like this show. I haven’t sat down and watched a full episode. But I’ve had my back to the television while Farrah is watching. The characters are likable and have some edge to them. The only thing I don’t like is the flashback scenes. They seem poorly done.
Watching, But Not Sure Why
- 24 - Jack Bauer is still fighting the good fight. Too bad his storyline is the only interesting one. All the other supporting characters, with the exception of Chloe, are very dull.
- Project Runway - It’s still a good show, but this season I haven’t found anyone to root for. I’m happy that the show is back in New York!
- America’s Next Top Model - Tyra Banks can get very annoying with her antics. Luckily, there seems to be some interesting contenders this year.
- Shear Genius - Why did they get rid of Jaclyn Smith? I can barely watch the new host.
- Gossip Girl, Grey’s Anatomy, and Private Practice - A few shows I happen to watch because I’m in the same room at the time they’re airing. Of the three, I think I find Grey’s the most interesting.
Gave Up On
- American Idol - I only found one of the singers interesting. This show is no longer in the DVR rotation. Honestly, I probably should have stopped watching a few seasons ago.
Recently Wrapped Up
- Burn Notice - A solid season ending on a nice cliffhanger. I can’t wait until the next season.
- Leverage - A weak second season. Character development and interaction seemed off this season. Hopefully, they can recover next season.
- Numb3rs - My Friday night staple has unofficially ended its series run. It was a weak ending for the show. I’m sure it was intentionally so, just in case the show is picked up for another season.
- Big Love - I really couldn’t get into this season’s episodes. I may need to watch them in reruns because I forgot what happened. It’s all just a jumble.
Wait and See
- Fringe - I never was into X-Files, which this show seems similar to in nature. This show works very well on the mysteriously creepy level. New episodes are starting up again soon.
- Dancing with the Stars - Interested in seeing how certain celebrity do this season.
- Top Chef Masters - The series was good the first time around. I hear some of the same Masters are returning. Hopefully, that won’t be a bad thing.
- Law and Order: Criminal Intent - The show has been getting stale lately. I don’t think it helps that Vincent D’Onofrio is leaving. But Law and Order shows always had a revolving cast. It should survive.
- Royal Pains - When is this show starting again? It feels like it’s been off the air for a long time. Hopefully, the magic of the first season carries over to the second.
- True Blood - New season looks like it’ll start in the summer. Can this season be as good as the last? Possibly.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-21
- This fight is very boring at this point. #
- I came into work today and found someone else in my cube. I was beginning to wonder if my boss forgot to tell me something last Friday? #
- @ Paper Source http://loopt.us/0V113g.t #
- @ H&M http://loopt.us/k_R5nw.t #
- @ The Counter Santana Row http://loopt.us/r-HIcQ.t #
- I’ve just re-enabled commenting on my blog. I didn’t realize that Akismet wasn’t enabled. We’ll see how much spam it catches. #
- It’s looks like a beautiful day outside. Wish I didn’t have to work indoors. Oh well, the weekend is almost here. #
- @sarahcuda Oh, that’s for the tip. Heading over to Ustream now. in reply to sarahcuda #
- Chatting about McDonaldland characters. Who knows them all? http://bit.ly/bHtzj0 #
- Somehow we missed last week’s Project Runway. How the heck did that happen? #
- Thinking the new theme on the website is not working. My wife may hate me for changing it again, I’ll probably do it before next week. #
- I hope the person in the next cube only has allergies. Otherwise, I hope I don’t catch what they got. They’re coughing up a storm! #
- Sleepy for some reason. But it’s only 6:30pm! #
- @ejacqui That’s a good start to the weekend. in reply to ejacqui #
- I guess I should start the errands we need to finish today. #
- Haven’t been here in a long long time. @ Fish Market Restaurant http://loopt.us/32WaEA.t #
About a Girl

We are having a girl!
We reconfirmed this with an ultrasound earlier this week. Farrah had an ultrasound about four weeks ago. During that ultrasound, measurements were taken then and we could find out the sex of our baby. We shared the news with a few people. But not long after that ultrasound was completed, we were called by the hospital asking to schedule another ultrasound. It seems the technician couldn’t record a good enough view of the heart to satisfy whoever reviews the scans. We had the follow-up ultrasound this past Monday.
The technician performing the scan at this appointment appeared to be more thorough. He provided better commentary on what we were looking at on screen than the previous technician. We were able to watch her heart beating, watching the blood flow in and out. We also saw, through color mapping, how blood was flowing through the umbilical cord. It’s an amazing sight to see. So, Button is coming along nicely.
Wait, who or what is Button?

Button is the current nickname for our future bundle of joy.
We have been thinking about names ever since we found out Farrah is pregnant, even more so after finding out the sex. Until she is born, we’ve decided to use nicknames. The first name we gave her before we knew it was her, was Jazzy. The origins of this name came from movements she made during one of Farrah’s first ultrasounds. It looked as if she was waving both of her hands at us, showing us her jazz hands.
Several weeks later, after another ultrasound, the name Box popped into my head. At this point we still didn’t know the sex. I thought that since this fact was hidden from us, it was basically like being in a box, almost like a present. Yes, I could have gone with something like Gift or Present, but Box seemed to fit. I know, it sounds odd.
And finally, we arrive at Button. The phrase “Cute as a button” popped into my head. And so, Button is where it currently stands.
Don’t worry, she won’t end up with any of these nicknames when she makes her entrance. But we are still thinking of names and haven’t settled on a particular one yet. You’ll know our decision soon enough.
Just because I'm hurting
Doesn't mean I'm hurt
Doesn't mean I didn't get what I deserve
No better and no worse
--- Lost! by Coldplay
I was laid off yesterday. I was let go. I was kicked-to-the-curb. My services were no longer required. And yet I feel fine today.
Honestly, there is no bitterness behind my words. This is not my first layoff, and I’m sure it won’t be my last. Yesterday’s events were completely expected. I’ve been laid off three times before, once having the opportunity to relocate but choosing not to do so. All of the times this has happened its been expected. And yes, waiting for the axe to fall is more difficult than the actual axing. But the most difficult part of yesterday, as with the other times I’ve been through this process, was saying goodbye to the people I worked with over the years. It’s tough.
I don’t like writing about work for fear of getting dooced, so I won’t go much further on this subject.
I’ll spend a few days gathering my wits, then plunge ahead with the job search. I’m a glass-half-full-type-of-guy. There’s a silver lining in this situation. I just need to find it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon I’ll realize what it is - to badly paraphrase a line from Casablanca.
Silver linings do exists. It’s all a matter of perspective.
Room in the Middle
If you haven’t heard, Apple announced the iPad yesterday. It seems everyone who hasn’t seen or used it in person describes it as giant iPod Touch. It seems more than that, but having not seen it in person, I could be wrong in this assumption. The question is, “Will you get one?” I’m leaning towards yes. The price is high, but not as high as predicted.
I’m interested in what the iPad can do for me?
I often use my laptop when watching television - browsing the web, checking email, playing Words with Friends, etc. I use my iPhone before I go to bed, and when I first wake up. I can see using the iPad to replace both of these scenarios. It’s made for consuming content, whether it’s music, games, the web, or even books. It seems like a good size for a nightstand / coffee table device.
I’ve read plenty of the tech-blogs describing the cons of the iPad. Many focus on what the iPad doesn’t have, or that a netbook can do the same things. But the iPad shouldn’t be compared directly to a netbook or an iPhone. It’s supposed to be the product in the middle, a hybrid. I don’t think I’d be editing photos or doing long word processing documents on an iPad. If I wanted to do either of those things, I’d use either the laptop or a desktop. I also don’t think I’d use the iPad as a mobile device. But I can see bringing it to Starbucks, logging onto their WiFi to browse the net. It’ll be easier to carry in my backpack. But if I need to do actual work at Starbucks, I’d bring my laptop.
Who knows, my mind may change when I actually see the iPad in person. At the very least I’m excited to see what it can do.
She's Having My Baby

Ultrasound of the Little Dude or Little Dudette
Farrah is pregnant!
[Note: Apologies to our shared friends on Facebook. I know you’ve heard this announcement before, from Farrah’s wall posting last week. I just haven’t had time to make a blog post and post it on my Facebook wall as well.]
Not much to add. Well, I guess we could throw in a few details.
How far along are you?
At this point Farrah is at 14 weeks.
When did you find out?
The morning of November 1. Farrah woke me up early that morning, showing me a photo on her iPhone of a home pregnancy test. I had to ask who’s it was. She then smiled and said, “It’s mine!” Later that day we took two other tests just to be sure.
When is your due date?
July 11th.
Do you know the sex of the baby?
Not yet. It’s too early. But we do want to find out when we can.
How are you feeling?
Not too bad. Luckily Farrah hasn’t experienced a lot of morning sickness, though there were times where she did not feel like eating. Her appetite returned last weekend with the beginning of the second trimester.
We hear that the second trimester is the best. I can say, for both of us, that we’re extremely happy, excited, and of course, nervous. I take it all of those are natural responses.
Last Monday, we heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. At first it was difficult to distinguish it from the static coming from the Doppler Baby Heart Monitor’s - I think that’s what it’s called - speaker. After some maneuvering of the microphone by the doctor, a clearly identifiable strong heartbeat was coming through. I have to say hearing the heartbeat was as cool as seeing the first ultrasound of the baby back in November. I honestly could have cried. Yes, I did cry during a couple of the ultrasounds.
We can’t wait until July.